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What Is The Most Annoying Thing Your Dogs Do?

Guest Maeby Fünke

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My lot are all old so not that many bad habits anymore.

Molly barks at me to hurry up in the shower so I can throw the stick for her.

Bob has dementia and walks and paces all the time. I f he isnt asleep he is paceing , he has the same habits that my mother has, she has dementia as well! You have to laugh when your mum and dog do they same things.

Gillys worst habit is screaming when he has his nails done oh and annoying Bob by licking his face.

The three of them for oldsters arnt bad at all.

They are 14,15 and 18.

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The most annoying thing my big dogs do would have to be stepping on my feet, I often dont have shoes and socks on and itbloody hurts!! And sometimes it's like they twisttheir foot on you as they take off aswell just make it hurt as much as possible!! 55 kg of Bullmastiff on your toes or the instep of your foot is painful!

The little dogs annoy me when they bark. Usually when the big dogs take off to investigate something ( but no barking) the little dogs hear the commotion and start yapping like crazy or they bark when someone pulls in the drive, including me. I don't like any of my dogs barking unnecessarily (and my big dogs are very good) but give me a big dog bark over a little yapper any day.

Edited by Kaffy Magee
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Jag barks at nothing a few times a day, shoves his head on your foot if you aren't patting him while sitting on the couch, jumps up if you're reading newspaper/drinking tea/eating with a plate in your hands, whinges and cries at 5am to be fed, scratches on doors to be let in, goes under the bed and refuses to come out when it's time for the last pee before bed, steals food out of the bin, conveniently forgets his own name at the park when he feels like it...

Carl jumps up on the bed when he thinks I'm asleep when I've told him to stay off (and he knows), gets a very wounded look when told no for any reason, has to be on top of me when sitting on the couch or in bed, pants in hot weather when I'm trying to sleep...

Mischa barks like a hellhound even when people she knows come in the house, licks continuously after getting a pat or scratch as 'thanks', takes forever and a day to eat her dinner, harasses Jag if he's trying to play with Carl or have a roll on the floor...

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These are hilarious and can only really be appreciated by other dog people hey?

I agree with the vomit on fluffy surfaces - even if we have to walk three rooms to get to it -

Not being able to take a shower or toilet break alone

Silent but bio warfare worthy farts in bed

Kisses post eating or licking something disgusting and looking hurt when I say "not a chance"

RAAAAAKING their nails down your back, front, arm - what ever hurts most - in bed to dig you out from under the covers as you must be awake right???


Spectacularly talented counter surfing, pantry door opening, drawer opening etc

Stealing bags of flour, sugar or oats and shaking the hell out of them on your bed. Do you KNOW how far the contents can be spread by an enthusiastic dog???

Stealing one of each shoe, boot, slipper and taking them outside JUST before it pours with rain......

Stealing knickers - but only on the days you have visitors and leaving them in a soggy pile, where you don't' see them until the moment you open the front door..........

But we love them anyway!!

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Tess has to sniff, and widdle on, every tree or shrub we pass. Sometimes she even has to sniff, and widdle on, every blade of grass as well. Thank goodness she's old and we only go around the block.

When I'm watching TV of an evening she'll lie on the sofa next to me and whine if I don't give her my full attention. Luckily she stops it when I tell her to shut-up :)

She'll also stop walking in front of me so I run up her and nearly fall over. She mostly does this when she wants to go out in the middle of the night and the house is dark :sigh:

When I'm sitting down and she has a toy she'll stand in front of me and drop it in my lap until I throw it. Did I mention she's a dribbler? Nothing better than a slobber-covered toy in your lap

Fleming on the other hand is just a sweetheart, although he does play the 'drop the toy off the sofa and retrieve it' game :D

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1.The most disgusting muddy boot available, has, on many occasions, been known to end up on our pillows. God bless the disgusting creature, only a mummy could love him at these moments(and daddy of course!!).

2.Socks/shoes/undies/bras can also end up on his bed.

3. Shrieks the windows out if a cat dares walk past the house.

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The most annoying thing my big dogs do would have to be stepping on my feet, I often dont have shoes and socks on and itbloody hurts!! And sometimes it's like they twisttheir foot on you as they take off aswell just make it hurt as much as possible!! 55 kg of Bullmastiff on your toes or the instep of your foot is painful!

The little dogs annoy me when they bark. Usually when the big dogs take off to investigate something ( but no barking) the little dogs hear the commotion and start yapping like crazy or they bark when someone pulls in the drive, including me. I don't like any of my dogs barking unnecessarily (and my big dogs are very good) but give me a big dog bark over a little yapper any day.

Oh Ditto! Me too :laugh: .

I always have at least one bruised foot from being stepped on by an excited Rocko (67kg), Ruger or Charlotte.

Ziggy and Sharni bark constantly when they play or when they follow the big guys out the door to investigate something.The big dogs won't bark unless its something major but the little girls want to let whatever it is know that they are coming!

Charlotte is a compulsive licker and I havent been able to train it out of her. Legs, arms hands, your face if you bend over and even the air if she can't reach you....slap slap slap!

Put that tongue away Charlotte!


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Marlo has many an annoying habit..

- he tries to lick my legs whenever I get back from a run/get out of the shower

- he insists on lying sprawled across the kitchen floor when I am making dinner. Usually in front of the oven/fridge/pantry/sink and always in the way!

- he cries whenever I eat yoghurt

- he barks at me and headbutts my feet when I am on the phone

- when I tell him to go outside and go to the toilet he sometimes just walks round the corner and waits for a bit and then comes and stands at the door to be let in. But you always know when he hasn't gone cos he won't come in, he just sits there looking guilty.

- he eats my books!!!

As annoying as it is, it just makes me love him even more.

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Mine all go screaming and barking out the back when I let them out for the last pee run at night. I now have to hold the Terrier back because he is the one that starts it.

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Erik is like one of those clever, slightly hyperactive kids that fiddle incessantly when they are bored. He goes: poke my chair, poke my leg rest, paw the battery charger, poke the pedestal fan, poke the other chair, poke the bike, scitter backwards and growl at the bike because it almost fell over, poke the bike sharply again, bark at it for moving suspiciously in response, grumble to himself about the untrustworthy nature of bikes, lift the ring handles on the sideboard and let them fall down so they make a tinkle noise, repeat for about a minute, walk into the kitchen and stand there barking at the general state of the world, ask halfheartedly to be let out, poke my chair...

He also has a compulsion to knock over bottles. He cannot walk past a bottle, can, or cup standing upright on the ground without poking it over. Drives me crazy. This expands to poking everything I touch if I'm tidying. He follows me around the house and everything I set upright he knocks over and everything I put in place he adjusts with a few pokes.

Kivi's special talent is standing diagonally across doorways and hallways so there is no way to get past him. He seems to like it if you push him. He also stops dead a half step in front of you on walks, and his other trick is to suddenly drop his shoulder and roll onto his back in the grass with no warning. The number of times I have frantically leapt over him in an effort not to trip over him... He also drives me crazy because he dillydallies getting into the car. He has to stick his head in the garden and look for skinks. Erik refuses to get into the car until he knows Kivi is getting in. He lies down and resists efforts to move him until Kivi has got his head out of the garden and got into the car.

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I live with cats... In comparison, nothing the dogs do is annoying!

One cat used to hook a claw into me to anchor himself when he snuggled up in bed. After I banned him from under the blankets, he took to tickling my face with his whiskers. As soon as I lifted my hand to rub my face, he'd scoot under the covers.

The closest a dog has come to that was my mother's GSD, who burrowed her face down between bedclothes and pyjamas to plant her cold nose in the small of my back when she wanted to go out in the middle of a wintry night.

Our current dogs wake my OH up if they want to go out. They know who's the soft touch!

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The hellhound puppy knows to bark to have a door opened- but only if he is on the outside. When he needs to go out to toilet, his usual approach is to walk to the back door, stare sadly at it for a minute or so (never long enough to be noticed) and then when the door doesn't magically open, he just pees right where he's standing.

The elderly, grumpy hound also has bladder control issues when THE BEST THING EVA!!!! happens- that is, when we have visitors. I usually try to steer him outside to go to the toilet before coming in to flail about all over guests but sometimes.. too slow. Last time, after a few moments of brain-melting happiness at a favourite visitor, he stopped right in front of her and.. wee. It lasted long enough that I had time to go to the linen cupboard to get a towel to put under him. And then long enough after that for it to get awkward while we stood there waiting for him to finish.

The same elderly hound also does the breathy whinge-whine as well as a deep breathing thing seemingly designed solely to annoy. He is also the master of the sudden bark- complete silence and then a bark so ninja that even ninjas are startled by it.

And he crunches on things late at night. I check his area each night, pull his bedding out to make sure he has no food stashed in there but turn out the lights, get into bed and.. "crrrruuunnch... crcrcrcr..UNCH! crunchcrunchcrunch" followed by lip-smacking and the occasional hawking up of something to crunch it again.

Then there's the whinging about his bedding- he can't sleep if his bedding isn't soft and freshly arranged for maximum bum comfort. So what does he do when he gets into his bed after I've made it for him? Scratch all his blankets out onto the floor, dig up the layer of vetbed so that it's scratched into a lumpy, uncomfortable pile (rubber facing up) and then finally, dig up the bottom cushion so that it's bunched into a corner. With his re-arranging complete, he does his three circles, lies down and then whinges because his bed is uncomfortable >.> The hellhound puppy is already learning the same trick.

The Sandmonster is the only dog with no especially annoying behavours. Besides her sand fetish, that is. We made the mistake of putting in a sand area for the dogs, now there is sand on/in everything we own.

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Guest Maeby Fünke

The hellhound puppy knows to bark to have a door opened- but only if he is on the outside. When he needs to go out to toilet, his usual approach is to walk to the back door, stare sadly at it for a minute or so (never long enough to be noticed) and then when the door doesn't magically open, he just pees right where he's standing.

The elderly, grumpy hound also has bladder control issues when THE BEST THING EVA!!!! happens- that is, when we have visitors. I usually try to steer him outside to go to the toilet before coming in to flail about all over guests but sometimes.. too slow. Last time, after a few moments of brain-melting happiness at a favourite visitor, he stopped right in front of her and.. wee. It lasted long enough that I had time to go to the linen cupboard to get a towel to put under him. And then long enough after that for it to get awkward while we stood there waiting for him to finish.

The same elderly hound also does the breathy whinge-whine as well as a deep breathing thing seemingly designed solely to annoy. He is also the master of the sudden bark- complete silence and then a bark so ninja that even ninjas are startled by it.

And he crunches on things late at night. I check his area each night, pull his bedding out to make sure he has no food stashed in there but turn out the lights, get into bed and.. "crrrruuunnch... crcrcrcr..UNCH! crunchcrunchcrunch" followed by lip-smacking and the occasional hawking up of something to crunch it again.

Then there's the whinging about his bedding- he can't sleep if his bedding isn't soft and freshly arranged for maximum bum comfort. So what does he do when he gets into his bed after I've made it for him? Scratch all his blankets out onto the floor, dig up the layer of vetbed so that it's scratched into a lumpy, uncomfortable pile (rubber facing up) and then finally, dig up the bottom cushion so that it's bunched into a corner. With his re-arranging complete, he does his three circles, lies down and then whinges because his bed is uncomfortable >.> The hellhound puppy is already learning the same trick.

The Sandmonster is the only dog with no especially annoying behavours. Besides her sand fetish, that is. We made the mistake of putting in a sand area for the dogs, now there is sand on/in everything we own.

This cracked me up!

And I can so relate to the crunching in the middle of the night with Poppy... The look on her face is so funny when I turn on the light :laugh:

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Marlow's annoying things are:

*Whining like he needs to go outside to wee so I get up and we walk to the back door together. Except sometimes just before we get there he turns around and bolts back to the lounge and takes my spot on the couch.

*When he needs to cough he we will always do it on my lap and I freak out that he is going to vomit on me.

*He is an underwear thief.

*When I'm getting dressed in the morning and I put my bright orange runners on he know sim taking him for a walk and will start doing zoomies around the house and generally going nuts.

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-Constantly puts her cold, wet nose on the back of your leg or your hand while you are walking along.

-Sits on your feet.

-Chases lizards to the point that she rips out the plants trying to get to them.

-Will knock you out of the way to get to her bed in the lounge because she must think I am going to sit on it!

-Has a drink and on the last mouthful she doesn't swallow but shakes her head which results in you getting covered in water and slobber.

-Randomly starts staring at you and making chewing noises (maybe she is sizing me up!)

-Has to turn around and sit facing away from you when she is getting her collar or lead on.

-Will get a squeaky toy and start playing with it at 3am.

-Barks at the crows.

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