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Kenya's Biggest Elephant Dead To Poachers


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They are just (insert really bad swear word here) :mad

As soon as it was known about an elephant with tusks like that he was doomed. It's so sad that men (and I'm sure they are all men who want these trophies) look past the beauty of the animal or environment for their own need.

So sad. :cry:

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I'm too scared to open the link.... :cry: Shame on them if I'm guessing right. How can they slaughter anything let alone something as beautiful as an elephant :cry:

No way can I open the link either. Total barbarians.

And I agree, Kirislin. What hope is there for this world. So much horror being perpetrated with such ease.

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Completely heartbreaking.There are so few of the magnificent "Bwana Tembo" Tuskers left now, I remember when I lived there, Ahmed the elephant being under armed guard in Marsabit National Park. He was protected by a Presidential decree from Jomo Kenyatta. He was supposed to have 2 armed guards with him at all times, the official line was that he died of old age in '74. There were a lot of rumours locally though that he was poached too. There was a life size statue of him outside the Nairobi Museum, future generations will probably only get to see the statues, all the real ellies will be gone. :(

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How devastating and appalling that the world has lost this magnificent animal to the greed of poachers and the country/s (China comes to mind) who pay these poachers money for ivory. Where were KWS whose job it was to protect Satao?

There is much corruption involved in the ivory trade. I would never buy any item of ivory. No matter how beautiful the ivory item, it doesn't come close to the beauty of the magnificant animals who are killed by cruel, greedy people country/s involved in the supply and demand of ivory.

The country/s who buy ivory have the blood of this beautiful massive elephant on their hands as much as the poachers who killed him, as do those people who buy items of ivory.

Please don't tell me that ivory is also considered to be an aphrodisiac for the limp and flaccid that they sell in those peculiar little shops I saw in Hong Kong.

Rest In Peace Satao. There are many who mourn your passing :cry:

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I think Lewa have tried this on a limited basis Juice, but more to manage the Human/Elephant conflict aspect of serial fence breakers. There is a nerve running part way down the tusks so they couldn't cut all the way to the skin. Bulls (and other ellies) use their tusks to eat, fight, display during mating season etc. So there were concerns over the social and physical impacts for the elephant herds if mass detusking was undertaken. I am not sure if they have tried it elsewhere.

Edited to add the link to the Lewa detusking study. As I thought, not to do with poaching, I know some parks and ranches used to dehorn rhino, maybe the impact is not as great for them.

Lewa Detusking

Edited by coogie
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