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Goodbye My Wonder Dog, May You Be At Peace

Her Majesty Dogmad

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On Thursday I had to make an awful decision to let my Wonder dog go to heaven.

Wonder was a foster dog firstly and then I adopted him after 9 months. In total he's been with me for 3 years. He was a foxy x aged about 7.

Wonder was never an easy dog to have around but I loved him deeply. He had many behavioural problems, some due to past abuse. He had inappropriate dog behaviours and had been locked up for a long time before I found him. He growled to communicate and it got him into trouble with other dogs sometimes.

About 6 months ago, he started having strange episodes and more recently, some incontinence and fits and I consulted 2 different vets, both of whom believed it was a brain tumour or some other serious neurological problem. Combined with his allergies to grass which I tried so hard to manage, life for him was becoming a real challenge so after a long conversation with my vet, I made one of the toughest decisions of my life.

Wonder - you made me laugh so much, I decided to keep you on the day you were on my lap and tapped in some extra letters on the keyboard. You were so smart, you always got me to follow you when you'd lost your ball and you could almost point so I could retrieve it for you from under a particular cupboard. You loved to clean anyone's ears (man or dog) if they got close enough to you. You were perpetual motion - the garden hose would send you into a frenzy.

My house is quiet without you and my little shadow has disappeared, life will never be the same.

See you in heaven my darling boy. :confused::cry:

Edited by dogmad
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So sorry for your loss dogmad what a terrible decision you had to make sounds like you and wonderdog had a great time together over the last 3 years. Run free over ;) Wonderdog and know you were very special and truly loved.

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Jane, so sorry to hear of your loss of "Wonder" the Wonder Dog. He will be waiting for you over the bridge, but until then I'm sure he'll be watching over you, being your guardian angel, because you were the mum that he adored.

RIP Wonder :rolleyes:

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