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Everything posted by Vehs

  1. If the door is big enough for a large dog.. it's big enough for a human My GSD didn't have a dog door for when I was out, but when I was home I'd leave the back a laundry door open and then we had an internal dog door on the internal laundry door so he could take himself outside if he needed to.. and when it was hot he had the option of sleeping outside as well.
  2. ROFL - well it is, but I don't recommend them as the average dog owner couldn't handle them and even now I wouldn't have the time to dedicate to one, so I don't have one I appreciate what the OP is saying, but I think the 'marketing' for Greys is more of a service than a disservice.
  3. What breed is she? You could always try a silicon spray.. or dilute a conditioner and spray it on her, sounds like the internal is being taken care of.
  4. Wow, what a really tough time you are having I didn't cope, I was just a blubbering mess after and that was ok. I think when the time is right the animals won't mind that you are crying. Maybe see if someone will be able to drive you home after the event.
  5. I don't think it would be legislative, just the practice's policy and it's a good one too in order check on her condition. Is it just that vet she doesn't like going to? You could try another.. Unfortunately that probably is a realistic prognosis and it would be good to continue to treat her and get her checked out to help her along.
  6. We recently purchased the Aeolus one online (maybe even that website - it was my Christmas present :) ) If you know the area you'll be grooming in you can determine if you'll need a stand or not, generally I wouldn't think you'd need one if you have benches/tables you can use instead I think I have the wahl scissors you posted (been years since I bought them) - you'd need straight ones for the hock and I'd prefer curved for the feet but you could use straights for that as well can't comment on the trolley - if you're showing do you trim the feet?
  7. get him done, but see if you can pick him up quicker He'll dry pretty fast
  8. Someone pood in the house the other day - was it the new additional or the old dog? The new addition is stupid and greeted everyone like normal, the old dog stayed outside and "acted guilty" or was she just worried that something awful happened (pooing inside) and everyone would get the blame? I still don't know who did it!! I love reading dog shame posts LOL
  9. I think a GSD would suit if you could do lots of training and activities with it through out the day - otherwise it might be bored. Maybe you could consider an older GSD? They shed constantly... constantly! I would brush mine weekly (all of 5min, but when he learned to enjoy it it could go for a loonnn g time and bathe him ~monthly My boy wasn't particularly affectionate
  10. Yup we have one in Canberra - I went there a few years ago when it opened and bought a dog jacket, but I found the prices pretty high for treats and toys. They also sold bunnies and other small animals. I have friends who groom there
  11. fark, I can't believe how easily he got off
  12. ooh that dragon toy is great, my old boy had the godzilla, doesn't look like they make it anymore just the smaller t rex I still have the toy, the other swf don't realise it's a dog toy LOL
  13. We got our two permanent dogs new bowls, cheapo squeaky toys, pack of treats and two new soft Frisbees The guest dog is getting treats and rope toys (she's been gifted with new beds and outfits already this year! LOL) and I'm also getting a HV dryer hehehe
  14. When we had the GSD and Malt x we were very aware of the size difference/level of damage and didn't have any scuffs at all. Since we brought a little rescue shihtzu in with the Malt x and Dachshund x we've had scuffs between the Malt and Shihtzu - usually if the Malt backs himself literally into a corner when food is around and freaksout. We've had her 3 months now and they haven't occurred in the last month or so.. I think it was mostly due to her food issues and needing to get as much food as she could, she's a lot less food obsessed now she knows she gets fed regularly. Even then the scuffs were all noise and a loud yell from me would stop it now they will play comfortably together chasing balls on the oval and even doing tug tug games. The little Dachshund likes to think she's the mediator, it's very cute. the one time I have been bitten was when I was visiting a friend with 4 dachshund and the two (both desexed?) btches were getting jealous as one was on one side of me and the other the other side and I petted one and not the other. I have NEVER seen anything like it, they just snapped and were uncontrollable and I know they have since rehomed one of them.
  15. I was going to recommend the bed Leah has, I care for a Labrador with that style bed and it's awesome
  16. I've only got little fluffies atm, but a Les Pooch brush has left the grooming kit and sits on the kitchen bench for DAILY use with these guys. http://www.lespoochs.com/brushes -it'd work for your guy too (the red handle one in particular) They are attracting burrs something shocking atm My GSDs tail .. and actually his whole body, never got burrs
  17. large round garbage bin with those lids that twist and lock -- haven't had troubles with ants in this house but before the bin we had some mice trouble I was only feeding dry to put weight on my old boy eta: then we have those decor cereal plastic containers inside
  18. http://www.domain.com.au/news/house-sitters-from-hell-and-how-to-avoid-them-20151106-gkqs1d/
  19. ^^ I felt very safe with my GSD! I used to run him in the mornings before work and then after work I'd immediately walk him and the on weekends we'd go swimming or have a big hike somewhere. Now with the littlies in a regular 9-5 week (which is RARE) we just walk them after work or take them to the oval so the older dog can potter around and the young ones can chase balls etc
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