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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. Cortisone over time can create issues ,it only covers the problem but once it wears out the issue is back it seems these days vets hand out prednil like lollies. We will not use it unless its a bee sting.
  2. Her coat will determine the success of any trim but generally you just do a puppy trim & the head is decided by the coat,features & what the owners want.You dont have alot of choices
  3. Dogsfevr


    Simple a fence,if the dogs arent securley & correctly housed they will wander & be a nuisance.You dont just get rid off a dog without actually doing something first,The dog obviously is able to go off when ever it feels like,has done so for awhile & now its a problem which isnt her fault . Theres no mircale answer except not allowing it to happen . I presume they are outside dogs & dont get alot of stimulation or walks etc?
  4. Well said Cordelia. If breeders dont insist on desexing there irresponsable,if they do it early there monsters .Sad world when another breeder happily bags a breeder for doing the right thing with a breed that in the wrong hands could be trouble. Cheaper,easier what crap
  5. Remember there are thousands of early spays with no issues out there & aslong as people cant be trusted whether it be via rescue,breeders it will be done.
  6. The dog needs to be trained to go outside aswell.Is this dog going to be solely in the house 24/7???
  7. yelling & smacking will do nothing.What the dog is doing is a natural act but certainly not diserable.Some dogs are very randy,very much all male & if a pet you get them spayed as early as possible.You often find these same dogs will mark everywhere. Does the dog hump the humans,things you are touching or whilst playing??If yes the dog is asserting itself as the pack leader & you need to readdress the pack order but seriously if a pet spay early,discuss the issues with the breeder aswell as some lines can be randy. When the dog humps most think it is funny & allow it to happen but the novelty soom wheres off & then owners are trying to stop something that has been made acceptable. Yu can generally with attention now when the dog is going to try it so you must be smart & get in first,divert,distract & encourage acceptable behaviour with reward. Yes bitches will also hump
  8. The groomer should be checking her anal glands but seriously you need to address the poo eating as long term you will have big issues
  9. We have a set price starting at $44 but the price varies on coat condition,regular bookings,type of groom(bichon in a show trim etc) etc etc. Personally for $60 i would want the rolls royce of clips. generally the clips are clip offs or a good traditional breed trim thats suitable for pet life. A tidy often ends up being a full groom,if we are to do a head/tail & nails then the dog must be brought in knot free & spotlessly clean as owners will soon take advatage,you must set the rules from day 1 ie/top/tail means this otherwise full charge etc etc. For some giant breeds we charge $44 because they have been easier & taken less time than a matted maltese & the wear & tear on the equip was less for the first so it really comes down to having a good regular clientele & playing with the prices. If your GSt registered then work that into your price . You must set a reasonable basic price
  10. The first part will certainly be supplied by the breeder in there puppy pack as breeders can use different vaccs . As to the desexing many breeders now will desex prior to leaving or it will be in the contract. If you are thinking of breeding you will have to find a breeder who is willing to be helpful. Many breeders will not just sell dogs for breeding purposes due to the lastest fads in DD poor breeding choices & the fact there prefix is attached to the dog when things go wrong. Buying a dog & keeping it entire means having a good relationship with the breeder who can assist in what lines are compatable with the dogs as you dont just put a/b together. Do you plan to show,trial,sled or work the dogs?or just maybe have a litter? Quite a few of the mal breeders do desex there pups before they go .
  11. we have always used roseline & wahl for daily grooming & on the showdogs although we do have seperate scissors the shaping etc the showdogs. The thing with scissors is the comfort,feel etc
  12. I would feed am but you also need to remember when a dog has been outside for so long it can go to the loo when it pleases so in reality the routine is normal to the dog,now the dog is learning to break that routine & letting you now is good toilet training
  13. I often think the problem is people think obedience is a social playtime for the dogs,they dont appreciate the talk & when you get the few that think they now it all they wonder off . You will never satisfy everyone but aslong as 99% of the class is learning/listening you are doing well. We have trained junior handlers in the past & whilst obviously there is a different age group,we did out of our own pocket hand out treats or print off a home made certificate/s to the keenest listerner,those with trouble dogs succeeding,a small pack of smackos,we would go to good sammies & get a bag of good teddies & hand them out,you would be surprised how adults/kids get chuffed at being noticed & i believe for many people they sometimes feel invisible.We may not do it every week but it does make people a tad competive. I mean i now it sounds stupid but do the people in you class now each other,there dogs names??People feel more at home when they now each other.
  14. Cockers are gundogs so by nature are very mouthy breeds.Its important that any game you play doesnt encourgae the dog to be mouthy,when the dog gets over the top divert the behaviour,use it as a training moment. The dog snapping back is being dominate & depending on your reaction the dog has won so it has achieved nothing. I have setters,they will carry my hand around but there are boundries ,i dont have an issue with it but they also now the word gentle & if they try & go overboard that when i change the play to something that stops the behaviour & i come out the winner,it can be a very simple thing .Just be patient,when pup is rough be calm calmly say gentle if it doesnt respond walk away
  15. yep had dog with P/C. It can be a killer as the pain is so bad.Attacks can occur again especially if stressed,diet is so important. Recovery can vary from very quickly to a month or more with plenty of good/bad days inbetween. Our dog lived a full life but we had to watch any food intake like a hawk the most trival thing can set it off
  16. The problem often is people make a big deal of the pup from day1,they carry it around baby it & create an insecure feeling.When it whines everyone jumps. Obviously you have to be attentive to noises & its important to listen to the noises & understand which one goes with what.Our dogs have a distinct noise for toilets,alerting & the a general whine that doesnt get a response. English cockers can be very clingy & whinge alot but its very important to ignore but do so with feeling. When you feed do you leave the food down if he follows?? Leaving for short times is a start & its very important not to make a big deal when you return,go out & walk into the house ignoring the pup,you also must leave in a very confidient positive fashion. Some dogs dont cope well when leaving there home & now this pup is looking at the people for pack leadership,you at present have become its mum & as such you need to think like a dog not a human. The key here is do all things in small baby steps but keep with it you must win the battle no matter how small it is so the dog knows all is well. Things will settle just be consistant with a routine & dont react to all noises
  17. We too have used metacam & alot of the dogs in boarding are on it too & none of the dogs have had reactions but it is a drug & there will always be the few dogs that react. We are using it on a dog now that natural alternatives no longer work. How do you now its an overdose??
  18. Dogsfevr

    Itchy Puppy!

    The fleas will be an issue,flea bites are like having chicken pox .You need to flea bomb the house & treat your yard & then keep the dog on same preventative. Dogs can get dandruff & it gets worse in times of stress(flea bites are stressful) diet can also create itching issues & poor skin
  19. Check the gov laws but lure coursing wasnt allowed due to a TAB issue.May have changed since
  20. Does it swim in damms or estate water holes??
  21. Sept i live in perth ,may i ask where you are situated in regards to the parvo cases? I ask from a boarding kennel point of view.
  22. I would be asking the vet if there is any connection with the pups with parvo.Personnally i would be avoiding the park if parvo is that bad in the area at present .The park is where many unvaccinated dogs roam plus alot of dog faeces which is the issue. Even after his 12 week vacc they will suggest 10 days before doing heavy duty outside actitivities.
  23. Rugerfly very easily,i am the pack leader not the dogs all are equal,no one gets preference . I have setters & mini schnauzers. We have 6 males that run together & 4 are stud dogs .Plus the females . The dogs here dont sort anything its simply one rule for all & in over 24 plus years no troubles at all & the dogs are very social here & in the outside world In that time we also had greys,GSD &the same rules applied
  24. Any breed may be suitable but you as the owner makes or breaks a dogs nature.If you dont put the training or effort in even the most stable breed may not be suitable.
  25. You need to interfere when it gets over the top its not as simple as saying "let them go for it". In our house all the dogs are equal & we have no issues at all but when a new baby is allowed to jointhe pack we do so carefully,some will try the strut about stuff which we do not allow,the main issue is simply rough play that the pup isnt able to stand up too . The bitch needs to understand the pup is no threat but you cant let her get away with it.Both dogs must be equal in your eye & you are the pack leader.Whilst the older dog will try to be the pack leader you must also as the owner set the rules whilst he is young & not hormonal or inclined to react & she must learn that she isnt the queen bee.
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