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Everything posted by rexiam

  1. Sorry to hear of your losses.
  2. *sigh* You have to love the snugglers! They are all cute
  3. Yes, my 2 boys love to snuggle together. and yes they do have beds, they just love to go out in the sun together
  4. I am so sorry to hear of your loss Rusky will be waiting for you on the other side. .
  5. Beautiful pics MM Looks like you had an awesome day
  6. All you can do is love your daughter and vent to a good friend, your OH? Someone who you can trust. It is your daughters journey. Deep down she knows what is right. She may still never leave her boyfriend tho. You have to accept that. Be there for her, listen if you can, but NEVER run him down to her. It will push her further away from you. She needs to know that she can come to you and you will not judge her whatever she tells you or decides. It must be heartbreaking to witness. :p My parents watched it with me for 7 years until I finally left my ex.
  7. Yes, I agree. Its marketing and they have done a bloody good job! I do not agree with any of it....but the need is obviously there. Imo there are so many people in our society today that want to be different and stand out that it doesn't suprise me that these cross breeds have taken off and as soon as they are tired of it they get rid of it and get something else thats the "new"in thing. Surely people don't dump their pet only then to replace it with the next "in" thing? If that was indeed the case then I guess the same would apply to purebred dogs? When Burke's Backyard was screening, every week he would "road test" a breed of dog and most dogs were purebred, were they not? I know that whenever a particular breed appeared it was the norm for breeders of that breed to be inundated with phone calls from people wanting that breed. How is it that people from the purebred fraternity were not jumping up and down in relation to this? LOL. I just loathe puppy farmers and by that I mean those that are opting to send their kids to university (amongst other things) on the backs of those poor dogs that are kept prisoners in small cells for as long as they are of use and then discarded like shit paper, god only knows how many reg. breeders are just as guilty of this as the bastards that breed and then provide pet shops with stock week in, week out. I know that I am talking outside the square here but it is mostly in response to some of your comments such as that one above, lol. I bought my dog, he has since passed away, a purebred cavalier king charles, from a pet shop. He was sold to the pet shop for a mere $50. I paid $700 for him 12 years ago. I was told that this was not the first time this breeder had done this. In fact I know of other breeders supposedly bound the "code of ethics" who make this a regular occurance much to my disappointment and not only that but also take delight in supplying puppies for the asian market! One word from me "Damn them." Glad to read I gave you a little LOL in your day :p Of course people dump there pets to replace them with the next "in" thing! Souff has said it better than I could - thank you
  8. I have always loved this sport! Would love to know more about it. Are there many clubs out and about in NSW and how hard is it to train a dog for sledding? Those of you that are in the sport, where do you train?
  9. Hi I just wanted to ask someone a question about my sig. All for dogs in my sig passed away last year 6 months apart. I am not ready to take them off my sig, however I really want to put our new dogs Ned and Bear on it as well. Can new pics be added to my sig? Thanks in advance
  10. Benny123 Would you happen to know when that article was posted? I live in one of the areas mentioned and lost my two 5 month old puppies last October due to Parvo. It worries me that Parvo is out and about so much After losing my 2 precious babies it makes me feel ill.
  11. When Sam was here she would often prefer to sleep on the tiled floor on our back covered in verandah than sleep in her bed in her younger years or even lay at the gate.
  12. How sad. ;) RIP little puppies Hugs to all involved. Parvo is a terrible thing to have to deal with :D
  13. Jed I too didn't post alot in your other thread. You have been in my thoughts and I have often wondered how your recovery has been. You are AMAZING and I wish you all the best for a wonderful future. Its fantastic to see that you are back on Love the Reixam clan
  14. Yes, I agree. Its marketing and they have done a bloody good job! I do not agree with any of it....but the need is obviously there. Imo there are so many people in our society today that want to be different and stand out that it doesn't suprise me that these cross breeds have taken off and as soon as they are tired of it they get rid of it and get something else thats the "new"in thing.
  15. I agree with Casowner. Its education that we need to focus on for the future.
  16. What an awful experience to go through! I hope that you and Max recover from this incident I would be steaming mad if the dog that attacked me had already had two warnings to its name!!! It should have been on lead and muzzled. I hope you get answers from the club soon. Unfortunately in todays world so many people are not accountable for ther actions.
  17. kendall I am so sorry to read of your loss RIP Diesel ;)
  18. Jed I thank you so much for sharing such wonderful memories of your special boy Magnus. You were blessed to have him ;)
  19. Beautiful pic!! Are you away again??
  20. Most people walking past here are being pulled by there dogs , big or small. When I walk I like mine to stay close for the first 10 - 15 mins til they settle down and then I let them on a loose lead. They never pull on me even when they are loose.
  21. Jed It was so wonderful to read that you are back on DOL! I still miss my 4 terribly and when I read of what you have been through it adds to my tears. You are an inspiration I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries
  22. We just had a column in our local paper a few weeks back stating that it was back with lots of cases. We had an awful outbreak of it here last October. IMO there was not enougth info about the disease and also too little too late on what pet owners needed to do to prevent the spread. Never want to go through that again. Our vet said that they saw more dogs of Pure Bred Origin being hit the hardest. We lost two 6 month old pups and yes they were vaccinated.
  23. Brilliant pics everyone
  24. Hoping that Tyson will make a wonderful recovery and be home soon For the neighbours...I would be doing everything in my power to get them to own what there dogs have done. No one else deserves to go through what Tyson and his family have gone through. OMG what if it had been a child in the back yard ! Can these dogs get back into the yard?? I would be worried sick.
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