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Everything posted by VizslaMomma

  1. The usual delightful video from two adorable dogs!!!! Loved the sound track!!!!
  2. I am glad there there are enough sensible people that are also explaining the facts of the incident over news media trying to make sensational headlines.
  3. One of the factors is getting the food 'in' without the high charges. I notice freight has gone up for so many things since Christmas.
  4. He's a gem of a dog. ABC TV just a a brief clip on the dog as well. Good boy!!!!!
  5. Was just going to say the same. Gorgeous photos grumpette. I could never tire of seeing photos of your dogs :) Indeed. Always raises a smile.
  6. I meet the people who own the below site. http://countryoforiginvizslas.com/ The above youtube is on their site. Makes for interesting reading, imo.
  7. The Vizsla just turned 16 months on 13 March. He is now full on RAW. He has no kibble or grains since 11th February ( by choice). In that time he has dropped 3 kilos which was mainly puppy fat and is heaps better. Are your costs high because of your location? I can get Black Hawk for under AU$90.00 Let me know if you like.
  8. Without fail, I get a dopey than usual smile on my face. I get the OK to speak to the Sugarface ( as I call older dogs), If it is OK, I always have a treat to share with the dog and ALWAYS have time for speaking to their owners. Most I met are thrilled someone takes a moment for their dog. My own dogs all made over 12 years of age. My dear Tibor proudly made 15 years 2 months 3 weeks 4 days before going to the Rainbowbridge. He was cherished and adored from the day I first saw him, and in turn gave us total LOVE and devotion. I was so lucky with our Vet(s) that we all had an understanding of the expectations of what should happen when that 'time' loomed. Tibor never had pain. Only that gradual slowing down. But his love was there until the last. On his last weekend, he did this fab jig & dance to beat the ever so bold puppy to two pieces of dried liver. It was his act of being Boss. If you are sure there is no pain, if you KNOW there is quality of life, then I always feel the dog should be treasured until the time comes.
  9. A fair comment, raineth. But in the NW Brisbane case where the police issued a warning to residents, they had evidence & witnesses that a group of people were involved. Since then, I've erred on the side of caution. Our tibbies are never in the front yard. Only in the backyard (with side fences & solid boundary fencing) when we're home. When we're out, they're on a locked verandah deck (access into house) with access via a doggie door to a small purpose built high fenced, locked courtyard, for toileting. We share this with neighbours' tibbie. If they're out for the day, she comes to join ours. Some years back, there was a group going around Fairfield, Cabramatta,Canley Heights doing this same thing. Local Police also gave a warning to residents. I worked with someone whose Maltese Terrier was taken. Luckily, he was returned home. Group was targeting 'obtainable' & easy to handle dogs.
  10. Few years back, the local police put a notice thro' the local newspaper that people owning small, attractive dog breeds, should keep them away from the front of their yards. In NW Brisbane, a group of people were going around stealing dogs like this from yards. Presumably to sell as there's a ready market. Couple of years ago, Tibbie boy on the Gold Coast went missing. Family searched everywhere. The dad got his microchip details amended to add 'MISSING'. 8 months later a Tibbie was dropped at the AWL 'on behalf of owner who couldn't look after him any more'. When staff did the assessment, they were surprised when his microchip came up with 'MISSING' & the name of another family. They phoned that family who piled into their car & raced to the AWL. As staff said, it was so clear he was their dog.... he flew into his family's arms. Not a dry eye in the house! Thank Dog that family had microchipped him AND took that extra step to end up with such a great outcome.
  11. The adorable MissPink??????? SQUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Thrilled to hear this, huski! Puppy breathe
  12. SIL borrowed one of these after some scary driving by another driver. Adult male Ridgeback and adult female Mareema were most comfortable. Must have been an great set of wheels. The ridgeback did not try to eat seat belts.
  13. Handsome Herbert gets delusions of power if anything with camoflague is part of his gear. Thinks he is the leader and a macho dog.
  14. Mac is just too clever. A hiding place noone would expect. AND a clean treasure to eat. Mac FTW!!!!
  15. Try Horseland or similar. I call these Martingale Rings. It's not quite the correct term but they are a closed ring/ :D
  16. Squuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Adorably cute! oh yes!
  17. Sending LOVE and prayers for all of you. Dear Micha has joined such a noble band now.
  18. Ah, the stillness of pre-dawn is favoured by mine too. Makes for a smile for the day.
  19. Had a giggle. GSPs I have known are food hounds. English Pointers that I know tend to care less BUT I have never heard either of the owners say they were fussy regarding food. One of these Pointers was an US import and would near bowl me over when in quarantine to 'get' the treats. The others are OZ breed with the routinue of food down for 15 minutes. No eat within that time frame no food. If I was to make a comparison, they are nothing like SWFs were food is concerned...imo. :D
  20. EXCELLENT choice. Pink from the summer sun methinks.
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