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Apples - Should It Be Avoided?


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Not long ago, I was reading a very useful post in this forum that describes what food not to give your dog (i can't find it now to show the link) but i recall it did mention:

* Apples, peaches and pears because the seed can be poisonous to them

I thought apples were good treats? If i cut out the core, should this be ok?

What other healthy treats can I also feed my dog?

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Mine get apples, like with any treat, it is an occasional thing, not a regular part of the diet. the dogs also love pears. I've not offered peach, but i wouldn't be giving them a whole one anyway, so no need to worry about the stone, lol.

There are lots of healthy treats out there from all the dried animal bits, veg, fruit etc.

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If you are getting a schnauzer.. and not a standard- a whole apple would IMO be way too much for a little dog.

Slices/wedges are all that is needed :)..and you avoid the core/seeds.

Our dogs have always picked/eaten their own apples and pears.. and they don't core them.

Dried liver is a good treat :(

TREATS are small quantities, given occasionally.... so whether it be low fat cheese in tiny cubes, or a sliver of roast chicken, or an apple slice- it is only a morsel.

If you want something for your pup to occupy him/chew on.... then large bones (in relation to his size) are the best! (once again , IMO)

Don't forget- a pup/dog/s meal can be packed inside a KONG , or , if dry , can be used in a 'treat ball'....

Edited by persephone
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Apple seeds contain traces of arsenic. Arsenic has a cumulative effect. Phar Lap's demise is sometimes said to be due to the trainer giving him arsenic as a stimulant. The quantity which is "dangerous" depends on the dog, it's sensitivity, probably the type of apple and the frequency it's fed.

The flesh/skin have no nasties, the quantity depends on the dog. It really doesn't have a lot of value for a carnivore but a lot of dogs like it. I will give my girls (about 15kg) an apple core on occasions, probably no more than once a fortnight since there's three of them and I don't eat a lot of apples. Two of them leave most of the seeds anyway, the third one eats anything. My first dog used to pick them off the tree but hardly ever ate the core before going back for a new one. When I got my first bitch it was very cute, he'd pick an apple - drop it in front of her then go get one for himself :(

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My first dog used to pick them off the tree but hardly ever ate the core before going back for a new one. When I got my first bitch it was very cute, he'd pick an apple - drop it in front of her then go get one for himself :wave:

Well, that was my "aww" moment of the day :(

I think apples are fine, I have a cousin who has fed apple pieces to her dog since it was a pup, and no side effects. He is around 10 years old now.

I was told raw chicken necks are good, as long as the dog doesn't swallow them whole

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Sometimes my Kimmi "acquires" an apple from the cardboard crate where they reside in bulk. She chews them a bit as a snack, and rolls it around as a toy too - I remove it before she get to the core so does not ingest the pips. She loves all kind of fruit actually... she even picked a lemon and a lime off the tree and kinda chewed them - and that gave a citrusey fresh zing to her breath! :thumbsup:

Edited by Hetzer
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The pugs get apples & pears pulped in their veggie/fruit slops. (seeds removed)

They get apples for treats. (seeds removed)

In summer when the peach and apple trees are laiden with fruit they will sit outside all day eating the ones that have fallen on the ground. (they don't eat the peach seeds but the apples are totally eaten)

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Our boy gets an apple every morning - its cored and the cored area gets a smear of peanut butter and into it goes his fish oil and Vit E capsules ... he loves his apple and thankfully no runny poos or digestive issues as a result ...

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Mine like apples except the pups I gave them some slices and they weren't interested.

Also mine love carrots as treats a whole carrot not peeled, just as a treatI hand them to them they will go to there spot and have a munch .. it comes out all in the poo tho :(

Some will eat banana slices

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The seeds generally pass through their bodies without being digested anyway, so unless they eat a significant amount, and actually chew open all the seeds, there's unlikely to be a problem.

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They would have to eat alot of apple seeds and make sure they broke open the husk to get sick from them. I buy boxes of seconds apples when in season and let my whippets help themselves. The ones I try to stop them eating is the nectarine pips. They pull the whole fruit off the tree and mostly leave the pips but sometimes they break them open and eat the insides, but apples and pears? I dont worry.

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have any of you tried stewing apples and sticking them in a bone your dog has cleaned out as a treat??

my boy loves marmite in his bones but im wanting to come up with different things i can put into his old bones to keep him amused and i was thinking of stewed apples..

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sticking them in a bone your dog has cleaned out as a treat??

Not a bad idea for little dogs.. I tend to use a KONG more for that, as any bones given here are ones which can be safely all crunched up and eaten :thumbsup:

Stewed apple is a good idea for kong smearing- thanks!!

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sticking them in a bone your dog has cleaned out as a treat??

Not a bad idea for little dogs.. I tend to use a KONG more for that, as any bones given here are ones which can be safely all crunched up and eaten :thumbsup:

Stewed apple is a good idea for kong smearing- thanks!!

your welcome..

my boy gets big cannon bones and he usually ends up with decent sized bits lying around hence why i use them..

have no idea where his kong is

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My dogs are free range fruit eaters lol. We have a large orchard and the dogs take whatever they want depending on the season. At the moment they are eating Apples and Kiwi Fruit.

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