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Bye, Dulcie And Babies


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Thanks folks. It is all too real today....an empty kennel space, and a quietness amongst the other dogs..they know she has not just gone to work.

her work experience and excellence can not just be plucked out of the sky :/ It will take ages to train up another ..and they probably won't be as good. My brother depends on his dogs for a great part of his employment..with Dulc gone, he has lost a partner, his right arm... after 6 years...they knew exactly what to do. She wouldn't work for me- but none of his do ! :eek: He is not a happy man.

My mum is quite fragile today- the shock of it all yesterday, I think- she was very upset.

I shall miss Dulcie scaring me at the sink! When she was in the yard, she would come and look in the kitchen window at me as I was washing up.... used to frighten me every time! :thumbsup: She would grin and her tail would thump, thump against the house :rofl:

Just because these are working dogs, and as such are 99% outdoors...and they are not 'pets', does not mean they are not appreciated and respected ... we mourn and miss them , too.

yesterday I carried her and her babies out to the vehicle, and laid them on the front seat- she liked sitting in the front. I drove them to their resting place .. I wrapped them in one of my sheets , and I said a prayer over them.

Where they are there are several other of our dogs ( cats have a separate area ).. and we can see the old tree on the hill from the house.

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Where they are there are several other of our dogs ( cats have a separate area ).. and we can see the old tree on the hill from the house.

So far away...but so very near. :rofl:

Thanks for sharing the pic with us. I hope the hole in your brother's life gets filled soon.


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