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Thank you everyone for your response :thumbsup: I am leaning towards Ptolomy's method (the 2 commands, find and fetch, not stuffing them up :thumbsup: ) but am not absolutely committed at this stage.

What about hand signals? Or do you use purely voice? I find, at the moment, my enthusiasm is spilling over into some dreadfully over exaggerated signals which not only would get me pinged but probably thrown out of the ring :thumbsup:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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We use Find - Seekback

Bring - Articles

One, Two or Three - Gloves (strange but it works)

Over - DJ

Wait - get ready you need to be doing something in a tick

Stay - Move and I will decapitate you :)

Hand signals pretty basic - point downwards to ground for seekback, karate chop pointing outwards for retrieves and fingers spread palm inwards to dogs nose for articles. I'm a strange little puppy.

Edit to add signals

Edited by kathq
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ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

Seekback I use FIND

Scent I use FIND

Gloves I use FETCH

Dumbbell I use FETCH

and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up :)

Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT

Ditto but in German. Anything involving nose I use seek/find and anything involving fetching is bring. I use the same hand signal for scent discrim and retrieves and seek back which is some sort of obscure wave of the hand in the direction I want the dog to go, I never really bothered with these hand signals as she's not usually watching me rather the track/dumbell/articles etc. For Gloves however I bend down slightly and point with a kind of outstretched arm and hand next to her head pointing to the glove I want her to get.

If I were to use too many different commands I would get confused, I already struggle enough with bring and seek at times! :rofl:

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So I've just started agility training with Banjo and I really want to put the time into the foundation/flat work so I'm wondering if I should keep training at home until I'm ready to start him on the obstacles. We started at a club this week and we had a great time and Banjo did really well but I don't want to start him on the obstacles before we have our good foundation so :) I don't know.

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So I've just started agility training with Banjo and I really want to put the time into the foundation/flat work so I'm wondering if I should keep training at home until I'm ready to start him on the obstacles. We started at a club this week and we had a great time and Banjo did really well but I don't want to start him on the obstacles before we have our good foundation so :rofl: I don't know.

I have run my dog in JD runs and almost run clean but I am going back to foundations with him because I was unhapy with inconsistencies in his training I caused.

If you think your club teaches the class the methods you would use and it will compliment your methods at home then do both.(So not helpful :) )

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Ugh what a crappy night at training. Daisy was working quite well but the people I usually train with couldn't make it so I decided to jump into a little casual trialling class that is run on the grounds. Never again :rofl: I was excited to get feedback from other people but all I got was negative remark after negative remark even when I tried to explain the reasons I do things (i.e. I had my treat pouch on because I didn't have big enough pockets in my pants, Daisy can work with or without the treat pouch there it does not make a difference to her at all). We did not get a single piece of encouragement or positive comment.

Everyone broke off to do their own thing and I got Daisy's articles out to give them a go. She was working really well and one of the ladies in the class came over and said "You shouldn't be doing that. That is an exercise from a higher level and you are just confusing her!" I explained we have been doing SD for months now and Daisy never gets confused, in fact it's improved our training as doing different things makes it exciting for her. She argued with me and kept telling me I was basically stuffing up my own dog, and that if I was trialling and another dog was doing the exercise in another ring she would run off to do it (WTF). Trying to end the conversation I said that obviously the people I train with and talk to do things differently, and she said "well then why do you come here?" I said I don't know what you mean? She said that if I don't like the way they train I shouldn't bother coming :)

Considering this was my first time in the class I had no idea "how" they trained, I thought it was just a casual trialling class and I was totally minding my own business when everyone was off doing their own thing. She then went off to where a group of other people were standing and told them what I was doing and THEN went and told the instructor! Who did give me some constructive advice on my handling but again... lots of negative things but not one remotely positive comment. I felt like a little kid getting in trouble and they made me feel totally crap about my dog. I tried to be light hearted and friendly but I ended up leaving early, I am a bit sensitive at the moment and just felt like crying, and I knew I was making it a crappy session for Daisy.

Ugh sorry to vent just had to get that all off my chest!! Will never make the mistake of joining in that class ever again!

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Ugh! How frustrating for you, Bec! *big hugs*

Some people should never even both trying to 'help' others if they're going to be like that! They obviously don't care much for encouraging people who are coming up the ranks. A good decision on your part to give them the flick.

Don't worry - you'll have the last laugh when Daisy kicks butt in the ring :thumbsup:

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Awww jeez Huski, that sounds rough. How rude.... everyone has their own methods.

Maybe they felt threatened by the awesome Daisy doing so well :thumbsup:

Just brush it off, forget about it, and carry on with what you're doing because it seems to be working okay for Daisy!

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Thanks guys :thumbsup: It wasn't even really about a method, just the fact I was teaching an exercise that was higher up than CCD! Grrrrrr.... anyway, I made a mistake and learnt from it and won't be participating in the class EVER again :laugh:

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LOL yeah I guess so hehe. I don't know I just felt like a terrible dog owner who couldn't do anything right and was ruining my dog... I know we are far from perfect but I felt really proud of how she was working and we just got looked at like we were total crap. I know I am being really sensitive but it made me feel bad because Daisy was working her little heart out and got every single article right too :thumbsup:

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Some people just make you feel bad. I was recently chatting to someone at training about how I was training Toby's weaves slowly and in stages and they asked what I meant and I showed tham how all I have taught Toby so far is left side entries that he will from both sides up to about 4m back and from almost every angle. They then went on to rubbish my method,my training skills, my dog almost every thing. They just made me feel like an idiot becuase I don't want to lure my dog. I was so mad afterwards!! I think that there is a difference between advice and critisim, advice us constructive and understanding. Critisim just rubbishes you but provides no soloution or alternative. I hope you don't let those mean people upset you too much Huski, everyone teaches and learns differently and I think scent work would be something you logically teach a beagle for fun. I will start my Chesapeake on retieves really early.

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Dont worry about them Huski, show them the middle finger and tell them you when you ask for an opinion then they can give it. At the end of the day Daisy is your dog and you know her and what works for her. It reminds me of horse people and how some of them treat you like they always know better ...............

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I love to get constructive criticism and advice (god knows we need it) but I also know the method of training we do works really well for Daisy and for that reason I am quite confident with the method we use. I am used to people not understanding why I do x y and z because the method I use is not something that everyone understands or would use themselves but the thing that through me tonight was being told off for something that I know so many people do! (teaching more "advanced" exercises than the level you are trialling at).

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I love to get constructive criticism and advice (god knows we need it) but I also know the method of training we do works really well for Daisy and for that reason I am quite confident with the method we use. I am used to people not understanding why I do x y and z because the method I use is not something that everyone understands or would use themselves but the thing that through me tonight was being told off for something that I know so many people do! (teaching more "advanced" exercises than the level you are trialling at).

Our club always says, if in your trial level you need for eg a 3 minute sit stay always train it for 4 minutes, so that would be training above the level you are trialling at ...... just carry on doing what you are doing with Daisy, she is doing so well at the moment :thumbsup:

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Walk away!!!! That sort of attitude is so old fashioned. I got told 16 years ago not to confuse my kelpie with all that extra stuff....yep...scent and retrieves...as I would only confuse her as she was a novice dog. Funny thing is that she went on to get UD but the instructor never did put more than a CDX on her dog! These days I would be teaching a puppy scent! Not the finished product but the concept.

This club sounds like they train from the dark ages!!!!

Ugh what a crappy night at training. Daisy was working quite well but the people I usually train with couldn't make it so I decided to jump into a little casual trialling class that is run on the grounds. Never again :laugh: I was excited to get feedback from other people but all I got was negative remark after negative remark even when I tried to explain the reasons I do things (i.e. I had my treat pouch on because I didn't have big enough pockets in my pants, Daisy can work with or without the treat pouch there it does not make a difference to her at all). We did not get a single piece of encouragement or positive comment.

Everyone broke off to do their own thing and I got Daisy's articles out to give them a go. She was working really well and one of the ladies in the class came over and said "You shouldn't be doing that. That is an exercise from a higher level and you are just confusing her!" I explained we have been doing SD for months now and Daisy never gets confused, in fact it's improved our training as doing different things makes it exciting for her. She argued with me and kept telling me I was basically stuffing up my own dog, and that if I was trialling and another dog was doing the exercise in another ring she would run off to do it (WTF). Trying to end the conversation I said that obviously the people I train with and talk to do things differently, and she said "well then why do you come here?" I said I don't know what you mean? She said that if I don't like the way they train I shouldn't bother coming :thumbsup:

Considering this was my first time in the class I had no idea "how" they trained, I thought it was just a casual trialling class and I was totally minding my own business when everyone was off doing their own thing. She then went off to where a group of other people were standing and told them what I was doing and THEN went and told the instructor! Who did give me some constructive advice on my handling but again... lots of negative things but not one remotely positive comment. I felt like a little kid getting in trouble and they made me feel totally crap about my dog. I tried to be light hearted and friendly but I ended up leaving early, I am a bit sensitive at the moment and just felt like crying, and I knew I was making it a crappy session for Daisy.

Ugh sorry to vent just had to get that all off my chest!! Will never make the mistake of joining in that class ever again!

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Careful of your seekback signal. The rules require that you point to the track and some judges can get very 'thing' about it. You will lose points if they perceive that you are pointing to the article and I have known judges to take a heap of points off. Not worth it...I point to the ground directly in front of me so there is no question.

ETA: Really need to refine signals/commands for retrieving and scenting. Anyone care to give me some ideas please? Different commands for seek back and scent discrimination? What about dumbbell and gloves? Thank you!

Seekback I use FIND

Scent I use FIND

Gloves I use FETCH

Dumbbell I use FETCH

and even with only 2 commands sometimes I still bugger it up :thumbsup:

Stays for anything (recall, sits or downs) I use WAIT

Ditto but in German. Anything involving nose I use seek/find and anything involving fetching is bring. I use the same hand signal for scent discrim and retrieves and seek back which is some sort of obscure wave of the hand in the direction I want the dog to go, I never really bothered with these hand signals as she's not usually watching me rather the track/dumbell/articles etc. For Gloves however I bend down slightly and point with a kind of outstretched arm and hand next to her head pointing to the glove I want her to get.

If I were to use too many different commands I would get confused, I already struggle enough with bring and seek at times! :laugh:

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