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Please Help Identify This Breed


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Hi All,

I am hoping the collective knowledge of this great big forum can identify the breed of dog in this picture. I have no idea if its a pure breed or not so hopefully that doesn't ruffle the forum feathers if it's not but would really appreciate any input as to what it might be. If it's not possible from a photo like this then that's OK and it was worth a shot!



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Guest Arcane

It looks to me like it will only be small to medium at best fully grown (pretty sure it is still a puppy in this picture). It doesn't ring true with any pure breeds I can pull up a mental image of ....looks like a cross breed to me maybe pug/beagle or Jack russell/ beagle something along those lines but really it could be anything.

Possibly boxer cross if it is bigger than i'm imagining

Edited by Arcane
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I thought these threads were banned

No promotion of cross breeds and/or un-necessary cross breed discussion

This site has nothing against cross breeds (most of us have had one at some stage in our life), however we are against the promotion of them as being superior to the purebred dog and people cashing in on the 'designer dog' craze.

We also ask that you refrain from unnecessary designer dog discussion. (ie discussion that has no real purpose other than to express dismay at the latest 'cross breed' you saw (or read about)). Sure, we all know they are out there, but we prefer to concentrate on discussing the pure bred dog (ANKC recognised breeds). Also no 'What Breeds are in my Dog' type discussion.

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