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Meet Our New Rescue


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I thought I would introduce the newest member of our 4 legged crew. This is Grayson, he is a 7 year old (very fat) toy poodle. He belonged to a customer of mine, due to a bad family breakup he ended up needing somewhere to live. He has arrived in appaling condition, rotten teeth, badly infected ears, covered in fleas and horrible skin.

We took him to the the vet Thursday night and have now started ear drops, Malaseb/Nutriderm baths every second day, he has advantage for the fleas and next week he goes in for a dental and possible ear flush.

For the first two days he was so terrified we could hardly get near him, but with lots of encouragement and rewards he is now coming up for pats and playing with the other dogs.

He has quite a personality and greets us at the front door with a toy in his mouth.

He is supposed to be a foster but I have my doubts he will be leaving.


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aww - what a beautiful boy :love:

I am sure his personality will really emerge after getting all his problems seen to - probably the break up was the best thing that ever happened for him. Poor boy must be so uncomfortable.

I would be tempted to keep him too :)

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Lucky Grayson!

Having his ears and teeth fixed will make him a lot more comfy! How did he get so fat if his teeth are yuck?Hope you have another 13 or so years with him ;)

High calorie rubbish. :mad

He's gorgeous, Rascal, but old before his time by the look of him. I took on a toy poodle some years ago, turned out to be nearly 17 and he looked younger than Grayson :( .

He will be a noo poo in no time in your expert and loving hands :thumbsup:

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Ohhh he's gorgeous! I love me my silver poodles! The poor little tyke though, ears, teeth AND skin.. he's probably in a world of discomfort.

I doubt I could resist keeping him either. In fact, yeah, there's no way I could resist :laugh:

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