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Millie 2000(?) - 21 Feb 2013


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RIP Millie - 2000(?) to 21 February 2013.

Goodbye my darling little dog. Taken so suddenly from us a little over a week ago. I didn't even get time to say goodbye to you or be prepared for the physical and emotional pain that washed over me.

I adopted you straight from the pound in 2002. I had the intention of fostering you and rehoming you to a suitable home, as I had done with a few dogs who came before you. I didn't want a permanent companion just yet. I soon realised I couldn't part with you and you stayed with us. You have been such a wonderful companion, charming everyone you met - even those 'strange' people who don't like dogs. You had the most wonderful temperament. Gentle with everyone, young and old and also with every dog and animal you met (you did bark at a cow for some reason, but you loved horses and birds).

You loved to play chasings with us and a few special doggie friends you had and how you loved doing the gardening with my husband. So many smells and things to roll in! When I came home from work, we would play hide and seek and you would try and find me. As you grew older, you weren't as good at that game as you were in your younger years so I let you find me more easily.

You were a very well travelled girl. You even flew on a plane when we decided to take you to Byron Bay for a holiday one year and you loved your holiday up the Blue Mountains just over a year ago where you got to sleep all day, for several days, in front of the fireplace during winter and come for short walks in the village.

Nothing phased you. You were such an easy going pooch. You weren't scared of thunderstorms or fireworks. You never ran off when I let you off lead and you were such a gentle soul. You enjoyed your sleep ins on weekends with us.

I am trying to remember the rare times you were naughty. There was the time we left you indoors while we went out, only to come home to find a trail of chocolate bar wrappers leading up the stairs. You had pulled down my backpack and helped yourself to a number of snack size chocolate bars. We rushed you to the emergency vet where you were given something in your eye to make you throw all that chocolate back up. You cost me a bit of money with your sweet tooth there. Your short little legs meant you couldn't get into the garbage bin but you did try a few times.

Now you are gone and we don't want to get another dog. I have packed away all your toys, leads and beds and now I stare at the little wooden box engraved with your name that holds your ashes and wonder what to do with them. A few nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard your happy barking. It was as if you were in the room with me.

I'm crying again as I type this. I will remember you forever and no other dog could ever take your place. Goodbye sweet Millie girl xx

Millie in our front yard, helping with the gardening - 2012


Millie and my parrot, Lewis


Edited by Ripley
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Ripley, my heart is breaking for you. I have tears streaming down my face as I type this. Tears for your precious Millie and for my beautiful Brianna. They were both such special girls and it is devastating to have lost them.

I know exactly what you are feeling, the almost indescribable emptiness despair and disbelief, that your precious girl is gone. The pain is unbearable. :cry:

Keep talking about Millie, sharing your memories of her, and let the love and support of other people who understand your loss sustain you through this difficult time.

These beautiful girls have taken a piece of our hearts with them, but I like to think that they have met each other at the rainbow bridge and they are playing gently together, cuddling each other and keeping each other company until they see their mums again.

It will seem like an eternity for us until we see them again, but for them it will only seem like it was yesterday that they left us.

Take care of yourself Ripley and know that my thoughts are with you constantly. xxx

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Thank you for you kind words.

Wendy, it was lovely to chat to you last week and share our stories of your gorgeous Brianna and my Millie. You think you are fine until something reminds you of them and then the tears start again. If it wasn't for a good friend of mine dragging me out of the house for a few drinks to toast the memory of our dogs (she lost her old boy last year), I'd still be moping about at home.

Millie was fine the evening before she passed away, she was playing with her toy and spent the afternoon out in the front yard, sitting on her mat in the driveway while my husband worked on the car. She said hello to a labrador who lives up the street and was her usual happy self.

The next morning she was panting a bit. We decided to take her to the vet. Her lungs were full of fluid and the vet gave her two injections, kept her there for observation and said we could take her home and give her the medication he had for her. A few hours later, her tongue went blue, we rushed her back to the vet, but it was too late. She had a very faint pulse when we got there, they did everything they could to save her but her little heart just gave out. The diagnosis was chronic heart failure. Millie had been up the vet twice last year and we had no idea her heart was bad. She'd last been to a vet in October and they had taken her temp and listened to her heart and told me she has a heart murmur, but not serious enough for medication. DIfferent vets told me that over the last few years but they all said it wasn't a major cause to worry, but I made sure she didn't exert herself. She used to sleep a lot during the day but I just put that down to old age. She didn't cough or any of the other symptoms associated with it and that was why it was such a shock.

My neighbours have expressed their sympathy that she's gone as she was quite popular with them, always stopping for a pat or letting their dogs say hello. If a dog was rude or pushy towards Millie, she'd walk away, She never growled but showed she just wasn't interested in engaging with them.

You go through the 'what ifs' and wonder if you could have done anything. Our vet assured us we did everything right by her.

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