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My Beloved Bob And Molly


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I had to give both Bob and Molly their wings on wendesday, it was a very hard day for me. My home is too quiet and Gilly is so sad, he misses his best mate Bob.

Molly was too sick and after I came home from the vets I found Bob had had a stroke and was unable to walk or stand or see and he didnt know me at all. That memory of him in my yard falling over will stay in my mind forever.

So Vale my big boy Bob, he was 19 and my sweet new commer Molly, she was 15, both had good lives but its very hard to loose them.

My life isnt what it was.

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Hi Gillybob

So sad to hear this, I know your pain, as Wayne and I lost Tip to snakebite yesterday too. I feel the same, the house is too quiet, and the warmth under the back of my knwws is gone (his fav sleeping spot)Tip was falling over in the hall, trying to get to me, but I could do nothing but rush him to the vet. He fdied just before we got there, the scratching and the deep sigh is haunting me.

Truely I don't know how we can all survive these things, but at least we all understand the grief, and talking about it I feel helps make it real, somehow, but already I went to pat my "lumpy' under his blankie this morning, and he wasn't there. I guess it will take us all a long time for it to feel real.

Gilly, we met several times at the Armidale dog training centre, Tip was the headstrong Jack Russell.

Run free together Bob, Molly and Tip.

Take care

Di and Wayne

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I am sorry to hear of Bob and Molly's passing :( losing one is bad enough but two in the same day is too much to bear.

I lost my Daschund and my little Foxy on the same day 4 years ago .. They were 17 and 16 years old.

Take care of yourself GB :hug:

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