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To All You Fellow Dog Owners - Do You Also Own A Cat?


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In the last 4 years (since having my DSH cat) we have had 3 dogs, 2 Aussie Bulldogs (both now at the Rainbow Bridge) and our current Pug who is 3 months. Shadow has been happy to play chasey with the bigger dogs, but with Zoe she will walk with her and sleep on the lounge opposite sides of one of us. Shadow is bigger than Zoe, so I don't think she feels as threatened by her size as she did the other two.


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First came Sheherazade, a rescue white Persian who followed me downunder from Dubai in 2004


She is a right princess and very lady-like


Then Olaf was adopted from the Sydney Dogs Home in 2005


The sign on his cage said "not good with cats" :D

Except for a bark at her through the glass door when he first came home, he's been absolutely brilliant!



Then came Archie the psycho pup in 2008.... After a few weeks pretending Sheherazade didn't exist he realized she could be good fun to chase around the house. He now knows this is strongly frowned upon ;)


The 3 of them get along well, greet each other etc and are left inside together with no problem whatsoever. When I creep up home to try and spy on them, I normally find them all in the same room


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We have 6 dogs +5 cats (+3 kids) and am proud to say all live happily together!

We also have foster pups/dogs/kittens...

The best accomplishment in regards to our successful unity would be our ex-racing Greyhound Polly learning to befriend one of our cats when she was a new kitten...


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I have to black and white DSH kitties, both adopted from a local shelter ... Princess Tyra (6) and Aussie (2)

Miss Tyra has a love/hate relationship with our pup, Ella learnt her place first day home but now she is getting bigger she is testing the boundaries which Ty makes sure she knows are still there. They have a love/hate relationship, she was the same way when we brought Aussie home. When she thought no one was around she'd play/groom/nap with him and then after catching them out a few times she gave him and did it openly.... bet the same thing will happen. She acts all tough and stuff but she isn't.

Aussie loves Ella. They always nap together and have little plays but Ella forgets she isn't the same size and he jumps over the baby gates to have time out if she gets to rough and tumble for him.

Sadly I have yet to catch a decent photo of them together but here are my two :D





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I have to black and white DSH kitties, both adopted from a local shelter ... Princess Tyra (6) and Aussie (2)

Miss Tyra has a love/hate relationship with our pup, Ella learnt her place first day home but now she is getting bigger she is testing the boundaries which Ty makes sure she knows are still there. They have a love/hate relationship, she was the same way when we brought Aussie home. When she thought no one was around she'd play/groom/nap with him and then after catching them out a few times she gave him and did it openly.... bet the same thing will happen. She acts all tough and stuff but she isn't.

Aussie loves Ella. They always nap together and have little plays but Ella forgets she isn't the same size and he jumps over the baby gates to have time out if she gets to rough and tumble for him.

Sadly I have yet to catch a decent photo of them together but here are my two :D





They are gorgeous!

PS I will add Ella to Mason's dogbook ;)

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One 9 year old tortiose-shell DSH with big attitude and a 15 month old GSP...makes for great fun at our house! The cat owns the front of the house, the fence lines, the laundry and the garage and the dog the inside of the house when we are home and the backyard. Penelope cat was previously great mates with Dad's dog when I lived at home.

Our breeder nearly didnt let us have Leila when we told her that we had a cat...she stressed us that the cat might kill the puppy and as a result I dont think we spent enough time trying to get them to be mates when Leila was the same size as the cat.

The story generally goes - cat screams for food, GSP sticks nose up cats bum, cat screams, GSP whines, cat hisses and screams, GSP tries to jump on cat, dog is distracted by treat, cat tries to steal treat from dog then it starts all over again!

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2 GSPs (5 and 3) and 2 inside Burmese (10 and 8). Cats rule the house you know that expression "iron paw in a velvet glove" that about sums it up. The dogs wont even walk up the hallway if the cat is there and gives them the look. :thumbsup:

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We have a domestic mixed up bitzer young cat :laugh: from the RSPCA. He is a softie though and is still finding his feet with our goldie (7 months). They genuinly like each other and will sniff each other, play and sleep on the same mat, although I still need to teach our goldie that she is a lot bigger and has to be careful with our cat.

I think they will grow up to be great friends, and are allready on the way there. Our cat will randomly pounce on our goldie while she is sleeping and nibble her ears/throat and our goldie will wag her tail furiously in delight at the attention :laugh:

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We have 2 Ragdolls 1 a rescue detests the dogs the other we had since 12 weeks and loves the dogs

we also now have a 5 month old British shorthair who plays eats rubs the Poodles he amazes me how much he

wants to be with them

3 Poodles 1 Ragdoll 1 British all on the bed every night

umm, can we have British photos? :laugh:

sure can I love this cat

Ragdolls were always my thing Frosty may have changed that he looks like one of yours



ohh, he is a little Sumo! :laugh: Such cute kittens... then turn into huge fat lazy adults :laugh:

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We have a Birman 18 months old, he doesn't come into the house much as hasn't learnt to use the pet door and am sure he feels he will be mobbed by the dogs-7, but sleeps inside at night. Four of the dogs were used to our previous Birman.

McGinty has no fear of walking in the paddocks with the horse, sheep and alpaca. At least he hasn'e been right out to visit the cattle yet. :(

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We have had scooby a ragdoll for 4 years now and have just introduced Artoo a aussie bulldog to our house. Scoob is still very nervous and growly around her and even striked my son 10yr old so we are always watching when Artoo is inside.

Julesluvscavs, how did you introduce your ragdoll to your pup? Our Scoob has never been social or really affectionate so im wondering if its just her? I met someone with Scoob's brother from the same litter and he seems to have the opposite personality to our girl!!!!

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Ooops my OH reminded me that I forgot to mention how our Cattle girl tries to show our cats they are no cleverer then her...


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ohh, he is a little Sumo! Such cute kittens... then turn into huge fat lazy adults

Sigh.... Still waiting for that day to come.

Really? sumo has his crazy moments, but spends most of the time on my bed asleep now!

We need to get the brit thread up and running again :thumbsup:

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