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Isn't This Just Sad.


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We are not quite sure at the moment but he could possibly have a Diaphramatic Hernia. He went in today for x-rays. He had to have barium and a series of x-rays to see if the henia shows up. They couldn't get a conclusive result so are going to do them again tomorrow and an ultrasound (all at no cost). They put a catheter in just in case he needed sedation ect, and he fainted and scared the life out of them. So they decided not to take the catheter out so the don't have to put it back in tomorrow.

He is feeling much better than he has been and actually had a little bit of a play with me yesterday.

So they will do more x-rays tomorrow and if they aren't sure they'll send the x-rays to a specialist.

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We are not quite sure at the moment but he could possibly have a Diaphramatic Hernia. He went in today for x-rays. He had to have barium and a series of x-rays to see if the henia shows up. They couldn't get a conclusive result so are going to do them again tomorrow and an ultrasound (all at no cost). They put a catheter in just in case he needed sedation ect, and he fainted and scared the life out of them. So they decided not to take the catheter out so the don't have to put it back in tomorrow.

He is feeling much better than he has been and actually had a little bit of a play with me yesterday.

So they will do more x-rays tomorrow and if they aren't sure they'll send the x-rays to a specialist.

Oooooh poor little guy!

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I'm so sorry Jane.

It is so hard with the prems, sometimes they are just that little bit not quite finished.:(

If it is a herniated diaphram, is there any other treatment available except surgery? Is surgery on a tiny one this size even possible? You are a miracle worker to have gotten him this far!

I am praying that it is something else, something fixable.

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Well the vets are totally smitten with him. He had another round of barium x-ray and ultra sound today and their considered opinion is that he does not have a diaphramatic hernia. Apparently there are 3 types and his x-rays weren't indicating that the abdomen contents were moving up into the chest cavity. So that is good news.

Better news is that he is feeling much better in himself. He is alert and playing with his brother getting up on all four legs and trying to have a walk.

So it looks like he is on the mend even though we don't know what was wrong.

The plan is to just see what if anything develops as he grows and take it as it comes.

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