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Too Cute For Boots!

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I think my fave is the pot bellied tri colour, the first puppy photo. Yes, they'll look alot better after they've had a good worming to clean out all those awful things.

I'm seeing JRT in some too.

Did the owner hand in the mother too, or will he be bringing another litter in to be euthed when she has her next litter in a few months time :mad

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Boiling hot water

I'll try that MUP - thanks!


Yep, boil your kettle and pour it down the ant hole.. Might have to do it a couple of times but it is pretty effective.

All cute but my fave the little Black and Tan one in the far right of the 6th photo. Also the tan baby..

No idea about breeds, never been much good at the guessing game.

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We have no idea what size they may grow to... my Harper (the horse puppy) was about the same size when she was 6 weeks old, and she grew enormous! Then again, we've had larger pups in this age bracket that didn't grow very big at all...

I'm tipping maybe in the kelpie/BC size bracket when they finish growing...


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If they need someone their own size to play with I know some pugs that would be happy to entertain them :laugh:

Hahaha! Might take you up on that minimax... they are currently smaller than your two...


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One of the black and white girls (the one with even face stripe) is a right shocker! Cheeky as all getout and naughty!

The smallest black and tan boy is a pushy little bugger - was humping my foot this afternoon... errr!

The other black and white girl (uneven face stripe) is such a aweet little soul, as is the black and tan girl with the stunning white face markings.

The black and tan boy with the uneven white face markings is cautiously cheeky and gets quite playful once he's sussed you out.

The big black and tan boy is a cuddlebum, as is the tan girl.

All of them are much happier about being picked up and put down now - now that they know that I will always place them on all fours when putting them down. They do love cuddle time and playing with me.

They aren't anywhere near as ravenous as when they arrived here - even leaving some food in their tray for "ron" - all are starting to look a bit better than when they arrrived too, even though they haven't been wormed yet.

The weather has been yukky here the past 2 days, raining on and off, so their yard time has been somewhat limited. Can someone please ask the powers that be for a few days without rain so they can spend their days in the big outdoor puppy pen... it will make the poo patrol/cleanup lots easier, and they will love romping around with lots more space to play than in the granny flat... *grin*


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Hard to tell how big they may get or what exactly may be the breed mix really. As I said before, my Harper was not much bigger than these guys at the same age, and she suddenly grew very tall... turned out to have Dane in her mix... *grin*

These pups are doing ok so far - will be worming them today, and they will have a prophylactic dose of Baycox tomorrow just to cover all bases. We have a couple with sloppy poops, but nothing alarming, and all are active and playful, eating and drinking fine.


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It's really nice to see people like yourself tdierikx taking on pups to save them from what would have been a short life, big ups

They are super cute, I first thought kelpie/bc cross when I saw them.

Regards Jack

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I spoke too soon... one of the black and tan boys isn't feeling too well. We're off to the vet soon to see what can be done to make him feel better. So far looking like heavy worm burden and possibly coccidia as well. He's had a half dose of worming syrup, and will lap water a little, but not enough to my liking. He's drooling a fair bit like he's got an upset tummy, so hoping the vet will give him something for the nausea and we'll go from there.

Just checked the other 6 and 5 are running about demanding attention, but the black and tan boy with the white face markings is a little flat too... he was ok earlier, if a little drowsy... will take him along to the vet with the other boy just in case. He's much better hydrated than the other pup, but things can go down hill quickly when they are this young.

Funnily enough, the spriteliest pups are the ones that looked really runty when they arrived... go figure?


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Yep I reckon BC/Kelpie mixes. Maybe even some Cattle dog in there, a bit of a working breed mix.

I also like Sneaky Face, but they are all divine :love:

Just saw the last post, I hope it clears up quickly.

Edited by Aussie3
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The black and tan boy isn't looking great to be honest - I think it will come down to his ability to fight off whatever's going on (does not look to be more than worms and coccidia - poos don't have "that" smell) - he's not a well boy right now.

Sneaky Face is the other boy looking a little flat, so he's going to the vet with his brother to nip it in the bud before he declines any further. He's just a little lethargic, but drinking fine so far, and is nicely hydrated. The other boy just looks at the water more often than drinking from it.

The other 5 are looking fine, if a little wormy - which should sort itself out now that they've been wormed. They will be getting Baycox tomorrow to make sure that coccidia is not an issue.

Off to the vet now... will update when I get back.


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