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White Discharge


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I just noticed a very strong yucky smell on one of my dogs. I narrowed it down and noticed a white cream like discharge coming out of his penis. i think its some kind of infection or something. ive wiped it down with aloveen and it doesnt seem to bother or hurt him when i do it. I'm going to take my dog in to the vet tomorrow if it doesn't clear. Has anyone had something similar with their dogs before? He is desexed by the way. No humping or anything noticed either

Edited by giraffez
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Buy a large syringe from the chemist, mix some salt and warm water, draw some up in the syringe and place the end in the sheath. Push the plunger, mop up with paper towels.

I had to do this several times with Monte over his life. A few salt water flushes over a few days and it cleared up.

This was the advice from my vet.

Obviously if it doesn't clear up or gets worse or there are other symptoms, take him for a visit with your vet.

I never noticed any smell though. Just dried mess around his penis, sometimes drips on the floor and the obvious moist discharge.

Edited by ~Anne~
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It sounds like sheath and/or penis head infection probably ... vet visit is a good plan . he may need AB's , and also regular cleaning of the area with saline or something the vet prescribes.

Thanks all.

What is saline, is it just salt and water?

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Yes, my old Italian Greyhound once had this.

Straight to the vets - it was really stinky and gross when the vet pulled the sheath back.

He then applied some cream and told me to put the cream on and rub it in, twice daily. Needless to say that Luigi was a very happy IG for the next 10 days or so .... :rofl:

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Is this the one that has been acting fearful?

Yeah it is, but I never noticed the discharge or smell before today. I cuddle him quite a bit and would have noticed the smell immediately as its quite strong.

I've washed it down for tonight. Lets hope it clears by morning

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Is this the one that has been acting fearful?

Yeah it is, but I never noticed the discharge or smell before today. I cuddle him quite a bit and would have noticed the smell immediately as its quite strong.

I've washed it down for tonight. Lets hope it clears by morning

He could have had an internal infection or something wrong for a while which could account for his abnormal behaviour.

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its cleared up today after the wash yesterday - that you to those who suggested the saline solution. A bit of white at the end but no foul smell.

Think I will take him to the vet still just in case the infection hasn't completely cleared

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It sounds like sheath and/or penis head infection probably ... vet visit is a good plan . he may need AB's , and also regular cleaning of the area with saline or something the vet prescribes.

Thanks all.

What is saline, is it just salt and water?

dont buy Saline in a tin from the supermarket. It's a powder that mixes up into a sweet fizzy drink! I dont think he'd like that squirted into his doodle. :laugh:

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its cleared up today after the wash yesterday - that you to those who suggested the saline solution. A bit of white at the end but no foul smell.

Think I will take him to the vet still just in case the infection hasn't completely cleared

Good to hear that it seems bettr. I agree that you should still take him to the vet, because whatever sort of infection it may be might not be totally cleared up.

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dont buy Saline in a tin from the supermarket. It's a powder that mixes up into a sweet fizzy drink! I dont think he'd like that squirted into his doodle. :laugh:

lol - that would be getting myself into a pickle

Went to vet and all cleared. Didn't even need to flush anything. Vet examined the sheath and nothing left, just the area was slightly red. No other visible medical issues.

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You'll have to teach him how to wash himself, Giraffez :laugh: :laugh:

Lol yes have some training to do! :D

My pug can't clean himself, his body just doesn't doesn't twist that far so I have to wipe him over every now and then. He gets belly rubs and a penis wipe, his idea of bliss :laugh:

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I used to have a friend whos dog was forever leaving green drips on her floor. She trained him to lick them up! :vomit:

Ohh that's kinda gross, yet efficient :rofl:

My dogs lick up their own anal gland expressions, so I guess penile discharge isn't much different :bolt:

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