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A Very Frightening Experience

Loving my Oldies

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Here's hoping that all Bunter has suffered is a bit of light bruising and a bit of a fright... you must have been beside yourself with him unconscious!

I was. I don't remember, but I know I had a very ticklish throat and was having difficult talking without coughing so I think was doing a bit of screaming out his name.

I do feel mean about not sharing with Tamar, but I still have a bit left so crusts after dinner tonight and lots of cuddles.

Picking up my little Buntmeister shortly. Oh dear, he will have been so worried that I don't love him any more. :cry: :cry:

I have a couple of videos on my iPhone of him and Tamar playing. He squeaks and squeels and grunts - so very funny. I wish I knew how to put them up here.

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Oh my dog that is terrifying! I have no idea how calm I'd be in that situation but can imagine myself on my knees trying to do CPR and heart massage or something! A big thank you to the people that helped you and Bunter. Wishing the lad a very speedy recovery.

PS Perhaps Tamar might like a nice stiff drink too?

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We had hail in Wahroonga while I was at work!!

It was hailing on the way to the vet. I was worried about the lady's car as I had a car many years ago badly pitted by hail stones.

I only had spirits in the house, LG, and didn't feel like anything cold. I would have loved a Baileys, but I can't be trusted with a bottle of that and I don't think Tamar could be either. :laugh: :laugh:

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Holy crap DDD. That would have been terrifying. I am so very glad that Bunter is back home and appears to be relatively unscathed.

I wish you lots of 5 min mug chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce.

I've heard of those - I think I saw something on FB and didn't dare invetigate !! :laugh:

Bunter seems fine, so I hope he stays that way, poor little boy.

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