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Everything posted by jemappelle

  1. I use Nexgard without any problems. And have used Scalibor collars in the past but did find one tick on a dog when he was wearing one. Ticks can blow in as well as being carried in by bandicoots and other small animals.
  2. My 12.5 year old Cav has a grade 4 heart murmur and has just had a dental. She bounced back without any problems. And she is much brighter in herself.
  3. Welcome to the forum. I was looking for a puppy earlier this year and had the same problem as you. In the end, I contacted a couple of breeders who were advertising puppies, by phone, and was lucky enough to get the most delightful little girl, even though I was looking for a male.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum I use Nexgard and have done so for a couple of years without any problems. I've given it to a very old cattle dog, an old Cavalier and a Cavalier pup. I think the pup will need to be at least 12 weeks old before you can start him/her on it.
  5. For my first cattle dog it was the noise. I realised that she was deaf when she didn't react to a storm. It will get worse as she gets older so see if Google can come up with some proven suggestions to nip it in the bud.
  6. I'm on my second one of these. The first lasted over 20 years. The suction is so good that the carpet lifts and it vibrates as well, so all the loose dirt etc is out and sucked up in no time.
  7. Is his weight good? And is he desexed (needs fewer calories if he is)? It may be that he doesn't need that much any more or he may only need one meal a day with a snack at the other time.
  8. This place is owned by dog and cat breeders and has an excellent reputation: http://www.pawsandwhiskers.com.au/
  9. Interesting as I have never heard of that type of clipper blade. My groomer friend tells me that for poodles, most groomers use a very short blade and then stainless steel combs to get different lengths. She feels that the blade should never touch the dog's skin. Hope that helps! It mgiht be worth having a look on the poodle forum: http://www.poodleforum.com/9-poodle-grooming/
  10. I pay $60 in regional NSW - I love my vet! They also have the Best for Pet program which is excellent for pups and old dogs that require more visits to the vet each year, vaccinations and surgeries.
  11. Here's a link to a thread I started on a retired Poodle breeding dog that needed a lot of confidence building. Unfortunately it didn't work out with the cats and the dog, but the advice and video links were great.
  12. Here's a photo of a 4 year old blue male that I had here for a few weeks. It's a very different colour to your boy Rascalmyshadow. I wonder if yours is a dark silver and still has a bit of lightning up to do. I was told they got their true coat at 4.
  13. You just need a lid for your pens. When I have kittens, I just peg an old sheet over the top - easy, cheap and easy to keep clean.
  14. I will be interested to see what others think, but I think your Cav puppy at 6 months is old enough to be out in the yard during the day. Or do you not have access to a safe and secure yard?
  15. I think you have hit the nail on the head RuralPug. Because I want him to stay, I feel I need to make sure he fits in, is happy and doesn't have undesirable habits from the start. I had a rescue Poodle x that I adopted that I really should have rehomed. She spent the first two years challenging my cattle dog, luckily he was a very tolerant dog and pretty much ignored her. When I look back I realise I should have found her a home that was a better fit than mine as she would have been much happier. And I've realised I need to use his crate more as, obviously, he feels safe in there. He was much more relaxed with yesterday's visitors when he was in there and even sniffed a few fingers.
  16. Thanks, MrsRB, that article is interesting and I did have a couple of pound dogs that shut down a little, but after a few days they would start to show their true selves. I've had Asha nearly 2 weeks now - the Sunday before last - time flies!
  17. That's interesting. And unfortunately, I can't get him to sit and have been unable to teach it to him. And he won't come over when I invite him but he has started to slowly come to me for a treat, if the Cav takes one first, so that's a good sign. However, this morning when I sat down outside (he peed on the grass, yayyy!!) he put his paws on my leg (and made eye contact with a smiley face) which I would normally ignore but I thought I would try a different tactic. I put on my high pitched excited voice and lightly roughed him up and he loved it. He started zooming around and coming back for more. Yesterday I had him sit on my lap and was rubbing his chest, when I took my hand away he would seek it out and nudge it, so I would then continue. But when I tried it again later in the day he just sat there, looking away. A very interesting dog, this one! Once I 'get' him I think we will be able to move forward more quickly.
  18. Mine get fed usually between 4-5 pm and then shut in for the night between 9-10 pm.
  19. Thanks everyone. I'm just not sure what to make of this dog! I've had a lot of rescues over the years and have never had anything like this and I am starting to think I'm not up to the challenge. When I walk out the door, he is jumping all over my legs and so excited to see me, so I keep walking to a chair and sit down. Then I can't get him to come anywhere near me - he just lays down a few feet away and looks calm! He may come over for a little bit of cheese a couple of times and that's it. He sleeps inside in a crate, goes in without any problems, quiet all night, goes out in the mornings without any problems. Today I couldn't even get him to play but yesterday he played a lot and was doing zoomies several times. No zoomies today though. Hopefully a bit more time will help.
  20. I'm having trouble engaging/motivating Ash. Today I thought I would try the clicker training 'touch' in the video posted by MrsRB. The first 3 times it was ok (he's hesitant and very dainty taking the treat), then he moved away and I couldn't entice him back. So I got the Cav out and she already knows the trick so was straight on to it, full of Cav enthusiasm. lol However, she isn't used to the clicker but wasn't bothered by it all. We kept this up for about 15 click/treats. Still couldn't get Ash to come over. Even with his favourite toy today he only ran after it twice (before the touch training). All tips appreciated! HALP!
  21. Cars can be transported interstate so it may be worth Googling that to see if one of those companies could help.
  22. My first cattle dog was very clumsy. She did eventually grow out of it but not until she had knocked my feet out from under me twice! lol
  23. Thanks RuralPug. I've also started throwing his toys on the grass for him to chase so he gets used to it more.
  24. I'm happy for him to pee on the clothesline upright and the plastic chair on the grass but he doesn't like walking on the grass much!
  25. I am having trouble getting him to wee on the grass. It seems the barbecue and house are good objects. And he seems to be able to hang on forever. Today it is a bit wet, which didn't help. If I ever see him do it on the grass when we are outside he gets lots of praise but I don't see it very often. The Cav is peeing every time I walk them onto the grass and I say 'hurry up' but he just stands and looks at me. I'm surprised he doesn't want to pee over hers. There is no sniffing, he just goes up to an object and pees on it and it's a long stream so not just marking.
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