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Everything posted by jemappelle

  1. Here's a link to an interview with Brooklyn's owner: Interview
  2. It was on a couple of local groups but the most active is called Shoalhaven News. The owner is homeless so was camping at the Nowra Showgrounds (free camping area) with his dogs. The RSPCA (we have a great shelter manager down here) now has all the dogs in care and the community is working to find the owner permanent housing. People at the site have reported that the wombat was not heard or seen and they feel it has moved on.
  3. I used mindahome.com.au and have a regular couple that sit for me.
  4. Latest Facebook updates say the dog has been heard barking again. I hope the get her out safely. :)
  5. I'm so sorry Kirty. How heartbreaking for you and your family.
  6. The pound is run by the RSPCA and the manager is awesome and will go the extra mile for any pet in her charge. There is also the Shoalhaven branch of the AWL and South Coast Animal Rescue have done cats in the past, not sure if they are still though.
  7. If it's only a short trip maybe use Advantix (lasts 2 weeks). I use the Scalibor collars but they need to wear them for two weeks for full protection.
  8. I used a "Tick key" - you just slide them in and pull them out :) They are very easy to use and so far has worked perfectly each time. I also use a tick key and it works brilliantly on dogs and humans! My friend had one in her neck and it was tiny - like a pin head. The tick key got that one out. I have several around the house and one in my hand bag.
  9. You could text him the link to dogster: http://www.dogster.com/puppies/
  10. I found this on page 21 of their product disclosure document: And wonder if that is what they will send you. I found it here: https://bowwowinsurance.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/bwm-pds-broch_aug2014_final_sp.pdf
  11. I think giving her the medication over two days will mean that the medication is ineffective. Have you contacted the manufacturer to see what they say?
  12. I must admit, mine get a fairly dinner if I'm home so that they can drink plenty and get rid of it before I go to bed. Good luck Kamuzz!
  13. My nearly 14 year old ACD can hang on for about 10 hours overnight if I sleep in. But I let him out to toilet every two hours from 5.30 pm until I go to bed at usually 9.30 pm. If I forget one of those toilet trips he wakes me up to go out and I slap myself on the side of the head. :)
  14. I also think this is a valid point. When I was breeding cats I used to encourage the potential adopter to talk a lot as I found that if they were going to spill something I wasn't comfortable with it was then, not when I was asking set questions.
  15. Mine get fed outside near each other and I stand there and supervise. It only takes a minute as one is a cattle dog and the other a Cav. :laugh:
  16. I've had chickens for nearly 4 years and my Cav still would like to eat them! So no way I would be staying in a place with chickens and my dogs.
  17. Another vote for a belly band. My elderly male dog seemed to forget where he was and would just pee wherever. Not any more!
  18. I used it on a couple of my Persian cats and was very happy with the results.
  19. One of my cats picked this up at a cat show in the mid-90s and at that time the treatment was ivermectin and all pets were treated. I also found that bathing the cats in a medicated shampoo helped the skin irritation. I also had a reaction to the mites where they burrowed into the soft areas of my body when holding the cats (eg, inside arms, stomach etc). The itching was incredible but fortunately they die quickly when off the pet, however, my reaction took nearly a week to subside. Google tells me that rabbits can be hosts to some varieties. http://www.petwave.com/Dogs/Health/Cheyletiellosis/Treatment.aspx
  20. Your local vet should be cheaper than the emergency vet (less overheads). Hope you can sort something out with them. :)
  21. Two things that are certain to ensure that the dogs will wake me up in the night: 1 They are cold - wearing a coat or if not cold enough for that, giving them a big snuggly blanket stops that 2 Fed late so they drink a lot. I try to feed by 4.30 pm at the latest.
  22. This is a timely thread as I was looking at a self-heating pet bed online today and am wondering if they work. Like valbitz though, there is a good chance my old dog won't use it. :laugh: I might just get a space blanket and sew it between a blanket and a polar fleece top and see how he goes.
  23. Wrong on the limit, there certainly is on the Central Coast of NSW where I come from. I was quite shocked when I moved down here and realized I had to pay yearly rego. Interesting! Lucky I've only lived in no limit Council areas. What Council area was it HazyWal?
  24. Move to NSW - no dog or cat limit and a once only life time registration fee.
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