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Everything posted by juice

  1. online from "canine spirit", i bought a pair of "skyliner " ones, you can't see from the pic, but they have a tough sole on the bottom, like a trainer, and they go a bit further up than the other ones, and are softer around the front. they also sell the socks for inside.
  2. mine are ruffwear too, ,they were the cheapest place to buy them from, i was going to get the tough ones, but the ones i bought are fine, like trainers, but softer and they go up the leg more.
  3. i have just bought a pair from "canine spirit" on line, they have different ones, and are very helpful, i sent my order in, and they rang me, as they thought the size i had picked was too big, turns out they were right my bully gets spilt paws, so i bought the softer ones, they are easy to pull on, and velcro up. :D
  4. i agree about the greyhound coats, some kind doler made me one years ago for a foster grey, they slip over the head, and tie in the middle, and it fitted my dally too
  5. twice a day, everyday, thats what wellie's and brolley's are for and no one else is around, so its even better
  6. "those amstaff creature's" are a different breed to staffy's glad you know about dogs
  7. greys just off the track are lean, but you can feed them up i had a friend in the uk who bred show greys, and they were much bigger and fatter, perhaps you could see if the same applie's here? i have had a whippy too. greys take your breath away when they run, they have all 4 feet off the ground, its something to see my foster grey girl, being inspected by my wei a rough collie would fit the bill too :D
  8. great article on wei's. couldn't agree more with all of it. my wei would kill anything small and fluffy that ran out in front of him ( and then swallow it whole) he often grabbed birds who flew too low in our garden too
  9. my wei had 2 walks a day ,both around 45mins/hr offlead running and could still go allday he also had 2 other dogs to wrestle and play with allday. they like to be with you, but can also be pushy dominant dogs ,as i discovered, they are not easy dogs however, they are lovely sooky dogs too get a blue grey, no one will know the difference i had a blue foster once, no one could tell one was a grey, in fact a neighbour thought my wei was a grey :D
  10. from what you have described i wouldn't recommend any of the breeds you have listed. most have high activity level, which if you can't meet will turn them into destruction on legs ( especailly labs and staffs. ) unless you consider taking on an older more settled dog?labs can knock kids over in their exuburance when they are young and goofy i have had a wei, and not for the beginner either. how about a greyhound? they don't shed hair much, or smell doggy, sleep most of the time, are very gentle ( wouldn't be up for a run though ) i would have suggested cav too if you were thinking small.
  11. anne, its boomarang place, just behind the station they mainly do food, fresh meat etc, its not big, in the row of shops there. actually if you want beds ,kennels etc, parklea markets has a really good store, its the only one that doesn't sell pups in cages ( they are right opposite) so they have to compete with them, but they are very good on price's for beds etc, and have a huge range of stuff.
  12. i use seven hills pet shop, they don't sell any live animals, always carry my food to the car, and will deliver too. lovely people
  13. just checking in, glad you all have it covered candle re-lit
  14. could we all donate a square or two, and then get someone to make it up? if we get a size ,and then we can put a message on ,or leave it blank? do you think its too upsetting to be reminded of it with messages'? or good? not sure. :D
  15. she could just as easily have got it after you had fed her and left too. its not your fault, you can't be there 24/7. the bait was there, thats not your fault. take care, you are a good person.....remember that
  16. the dog could well still be with the original owner who is trying different ways to offload her perhaps you could just email her rescue groups contact, in case she "gets the dog back", so she doesn't have to admit she still has it?
  17. still checking in everyday. you are very much missed here sleep and heal, we will be waiting
  18. i'd say stag too, she looks lovely, are you keeping her?
  19. i would like to see the price in there too. when i first came to oz, i was looking for a bt, and i felt i couldn't ring the ads with no price, as it meant they must be really expensive, and i didn't want to feel an idiot if i couldn't afford it. :D
  20. bloody brilliant just the laugh we all need right now
  21. ot, but a thought, is it possible to have a storage place where things can be dropped off for the future, or is it not viable to pay for storage?
  22. i'm glad the rspca did what they were supposed to do
  23. just saw it on the news, says the rspca have 17 dogs can we confirm yet that they are out of there? no words will be enough, too sad
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