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4x2 Dog Biscuits


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Always have a bag of 4x2's here or would receive a "Please Explain" from the dogs.

One each to hop into bed with at night (half for the fat corgis) :rofl: - gone within seconds and eaten with much relish.

Haven't seen 2x2's but they would be a better size for us as have to bong the 4x2's against the metal door frame in order to crack them as they are so hard. Not particularly nutritional but great for a supplement to a healthy diet in that they provide a safe chew.

Have used them forever, no skin or other problems at all.

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Another fan here. Mine get 2x2's as a treat every day (except the days I forget! :rofl: ) and they love 'em. I started giving Ziggy and extra one (he gets 2 when the girls get 1 each) and it has help stabilise his weight a bit (he was getting hard to add weight to and was looking a bit scrawny). Never had any adverse reactions to them and they love them!!

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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I went to the store today to look, but you have to buy a big box of them for $28. The quantity was a bit scary. I saw another brand of biscuits but i can't remember the brand. Just in plastic tub. I only have little fellas so it would take forever to go through a big box. Any other hard biscuit choices that anyone knows of? Other biscuits don't give them much of a chew i think (i've had the Eukanuba ones before).

Edited by chuckie500
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Yep, we are fans of 4 x 2's also! :heart:

We call them their 'dessert'!

They LOVE them and they love to give us the reminder that they haven't had them yet.

Ours get one after their tea each night and one each morning, and if they don't get them they will bark the entire neighbourhood crazy.

We always keep a container of them in the car, especially when we go to weekend shows and we find them great overall when travelling in case the dogs go off their food, they are so easy to feed and will tempt even the fussiest of eaters.

Never had an allergy prob ever and whilst travelling have given ours up to 8 per day depending on size.

I did buy the 2 x 2's once thinking they would be better suited for our British bulldog but he manages quite ok with the 4 x 2's and so I never bothered again.

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  • 4 months later...

You can still get them. Our oldie retired racing greys get them and so do our whippys. They all love to take their biscuit to "their own corner" and enjoy it.

We get the large bags of 4x2's and that fills up (and then some) our garbage bin sized dog feed containers. It lasts 4 weeks.

Edited by whippets
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I used them for many years when they where made by Farrells and Box 1. They used to have just wheatmeal, meatmeal, tallow and salt in them.

I have stopped buying them since Best Care took over and started putting flavours and preservatives in them.

No idea why they would put preservatives in because the old ones used to keep for months without them.

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My dog also reminds us to give her a 2x2 everyday. I think they are great value for money, and I have had no ill effects from them so far. I'm pretty careful with what I give Heidi, as she can sometimes react bowel wise to certain foods.

On average, I think she has about 2 or 3 a day. I'm onto my second box. I'm sure they will stay fresh for some time. I put mine in a plastic tub with click top lid, and I have a container in the kitchen that I refill to.

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we have used them for years aswell.

In the kennels we use them more so in winter .Each morning each boarder gets one whilst out in the yards(except those with special diets)

Here there not used in large quantities just simply a tummy filler on the cold mornings .

never had an issue with the old or the new

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We send a free one out with most of our orders (the bestcare ones) and have only had positive feedback.

That is where I got my first one from. They loved them.

I saw them in the pet shop the other day and bough a bag of them for my two.

Echo thinks they are the best.

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Ive got 4 Labs and 2 ring-ins our 11 year old ring-n was a return from another kennels after 8 year (long story) her teeth were dreadfull - the 2*4 cleaned up her teeth in a mater of a couple of weeks - I think they are a great!

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