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Do Your Dogs Give You "presents"?


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I often find half eaten foodstuffs in my washing basket or bed. Whenever I get home Maggie runs to the door and then runs STRAIGHT into my room to get a toy, or whatever food thing she's left in my room. Half a greenie, half a biscuit, pig's ear.. I'm assuming to make sure I don't find it first and prevent her from finishing it :laugh:

Tonka does that too. The minute I'm home he runs in and retrieves something from my bed, usually the chicken stick or snack I gave him in the morning :confused:

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Last time I was sick Perry dug up her oldest grottiest and most matured bone from the garden and dropped it gently on my pillow - if she wanted me out of bed that certainly worked well.

:heart: adorable

I must be a crazy dog lady too.

Panto doesnt bring me presents, but every now and then she does like to carry a toy up to bed when I turn in. That's up 2 flights of stairs from her crate in the living room to our bedroom...

(though sometimes she presents them to Mr P, the little traitor! :laugh:)

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I get tennis balls....though I don't know if they really count as Reggie only bring them to me so I can throw it for him. If they are confiscated, he will show up within a minute with another one! :doh:

Our kitten Angelo loves to play with him too, when Reggie has had enough of his various body parts being munched on he picks up Angelo by the scruff and delivers him to the nearest human, with a look of 'here he's your problem now!'

Edited by Chequeredblackdog
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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican "Pete" around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired

or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked,

honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are

not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican :rofl::crazy: Any wonder I love her to bits :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soagy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

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Ziggy will bring you things to swap you.. When I eat dinner I always end up with a few toys that he brings to me - to swap for my dinner.

I think because I sway him food for the ball when playing with him or training him. I also swap him toy for toy (if I want to wash one or put it away for a while - like a squeaky one)

Max brings things to swap me too. She steals shoes or undies (or anything she knows she's not meant to have) and runs straight to the treat cupboard and sits there with them, waiting.

It started because whenever she had something she wasn't meant to have, I'd have to bribe her to give it back, and she figured out pretty quickly that taking things meant she got a treat lol

My Kenny was just the same, when he wanted a treat he would grab anything he wasn't allowed to have & run up to me, shaking his head & growling, like he is saying I am going to destroy this if I don't get a treat. Bloody dogs have us trained, not the other way around. :rofl:

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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

Thank's sjp118. She certainly keeps us on our toes having her around with her antics. :laugh: Stella is a very affectionate girl so she doesn't hold back when she greets either. Usually end up with pelican right in your face :o

I bet I am the only dog owner in the world who has 8 fluffy toy pelicans in their laundry :rofl: I like to give her a clean one each day cause they get so dirty & soggy. She wears out the tail part eventually as well

cause that is the part she sucks on, she puts her front feet on its head & always lies like a turtle sucking away. Oh yes & poor "pete" the pelican doubles as a pillow when she falls asleep in the garden of an arvo. :laugh:

Edited by BC Crazy
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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

Thank's sjp118. She certainly keeps us on our toes around with her antics. :laugh: Stella is a very affectionate girl so she doesn't hold back when she greets either. Usually end up with pelican right in your face :o

I bet I am the only dog owner in the world who has 8 fluffy toy pelicans in their laundry :rofl: I like to give her a clean one each day cause they get so dirty & soggy. She wears out the tail part eventually as well

cause that is the part she sucks on, she puts her front feet on its head & always lies like a turtle sucking away. Oh yes & poor "pete" the pelican doubles as a pillow when she falls asleep in the garden of an arvo. :laugh:

A pelican would have to be better than a smelly lamb bone....Henry brought me in one once when I was sick. He dropped it on the carpet and then decided the lounge would be a good place to suck on it. :eek: I was not impressed....neither was he when I took his bone and threw it back outside :laugh:

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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

Thank's sjp118. She certainly keeps us on our toes around with her antics. :laugh: Stella is a very affectionate girl so she doesn't hold back when she greets either. Usually end up with pelican right in your face :o

I bet I am the only dog owner in the world who has 8 fluffy toy pelicans in their laundry :rofl: I like to give her a clean one each day cause they get so dirty & soggy. She wears out the tail part eventually as well

cause that is the part she sucks on, she puts her front feet on its head & always lies like a turtle sucking away. Oh yes & poor "pete" the pelican doubles as a pillow when she falls asleep in the garden of an arvo. :laugh:

A pelican would have to be better than a smelly lamb bone....Henry brought me in one once when I was sick. He dropped it on the carpet and then decided the lounge would be a good place to suck on it. :eek: I was not impressed....neither was he when I took his bone and threw it back outside :laugh:

:rofl::rofl: Good on you Henry errrr. I don't know what's worse "Pete" is not too good when he is covered in dirt & saturated with slobber :laugh:

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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

Thank's sjp118. She certainly keeps us on our toes around with her antics. :laugh: Stella is a very affectionate girl so she doesn't hold back when she greets either. Usually end up with pelican right in your face :o

I bet I am the only dog owner in the world who has 8 fluffy toy pelicans in their laundry :rofl: I like to give her a clean one each day cause they get so dirty & soggy. She wears out the tail part eventually as well

cause that is the part she sucks on, she puts her front feet on its head & always lies like a turtle sucking away. Oh yes & poor "pete" the pelican doubles as a pillow when she falls asleep in the garden of an arvo. :laugh:

A pelican would have to be better than a smelly lamb bone....Henry brought me in one once when I was sick. He dropped it on the carpet and then decided the lounge would be a good place to suck on it. :eek: I was not impressed....neither was he when I took his bone and threw it back outside :laugh:

:rofl::rofl: Good on you Henry errrr. I don't know what's worse "Pete" is not too good when he is covered in dirt & saturated with slobber :laugh:

I wonder how 'Pete' feels about being slobbered all the time, and all his other stuffed friends :rofl:

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I get the nearest toy brought to me by Ruby. And if she can't find a toy, she'll bring me a pair of socks if any are nearby. If she can't find anything, she runs around trying to find something and I have to distract her to keep her from getting disappointed laugh.gif

She did once bring a piece of poo inside :vomit: She came in and sat by me. I noticed she was keeping her mouth shut in a weird way, so I had a look and out spat a grassy piece of poo. Yeah, thanks Rubes!!!!

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My Rotti (who passed away last year) one day came in from the yard and put something gently at my feet as a present, when I looked down to see what it was, it was a dead BAT!!

It must have died and fell in our backyard somehow and he found it and thought that I would like it.

At first it scared the socks off me because I thought it was alive, so I shoo’d my Rotti away from it. He had the saddest look on his face as if he couldn’t work out why he was being told to go away after he gave me a present. I felt so bad!

Edited by Sares
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RubyStar, That's hilarious & :vomit: Stella has done the exact same thing to me so I can sympathize with you. Stel thought she it was such a wonderful thing to do for me, she was

wrapped :rofl: I thought it was a stick or a piece of bark at first. So glad I didn't pick it up with my hands, OH got up & out the light on cause we were watching TV, so glad he did YUK !!

Edited by BC Crazy
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My Rotti (who passed away last year) one day came in from the yard and put something gently at my feet as a present, when I looked down to see what it was, it was a dead BAT!!

It must have died and fell in our backyard somehow and he found it and thought that I would like it.

At first it scared the socks off me because I thought it was alive, so I shoo’d my Rotti away from it. He had the saddest look on his face as if he couldn’t work out why he was being told to go away after he gave me a present. I felt so bad!

awwwww poor baby lol

:laugh: that is the cutest thing I can actualy picture it in my head I love rottis and their expressive faces

RIP you cutie :heart:

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For anyone that is not aware of my Miss Stella & her "sucky toy" fettish. Stel carries a big fluffy pelican around in her mouth all the times, when she is at home & when she gets tired or gets nervey as she is a very reactive girl she will lay down & suck on it, for hours on end if need be & has done from day one. Needless to say whenever she greets you she has a saliva soaked honking pelican hanging out of her mouth too. She does seem to be the "talk of the place" when we go caravaning which we often do, especially with children, which she just loves. Guess there are not many dogs that run round greeting you honking on her soggy toy pelican. Any wonder I love her to bits LOL :)

That's so cute! She'll be sad when her pelican needs replacing LOL

Thank's sjp118. She certainly keeps us on our toes around with her antics. :laugh: Stella is a very affectionate girl so she doesn't hold back when she greets either. Usually end up with pelican right in your face :o

I bet I am the only dog owner in the world who has 8 fluffy toy pelicans in their laundry :rofl: I like to give her a clean one each day cause they get so dirty & soggy. She wears out the tail part eventually as well

cause that is the part she sucks on, she puts her front feet on its head & always lies like a turtle sucking away. Oh yes & poor "pete" the pelican doubles as a pillow when she falls asleep in the garden of an arvo. :laugh:

A pelican would have to be better than a smelly lamb bone....Henry brought me in one once when I was sick. He dropped it on the carpet and then decided the lounge would be a good place to suck on it. :eek: I was not impressed....neither was he when I took his bone and threw it back outside :laugh:

:rofl::rofl: Good on you Henry errrr. I don't know what's worse "Pete" is not too good when he is covered in dirt & saturated with slobber :laugh:

It's funny cause it's only the pelican that she sucks on. All of her other toys are "safe" :laugh:

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