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Everything posted by shmoo

  1. I think this has been posted on DOL 3 times now and I don't recall anybody giving any replies. Personally I am waiting to see where they go with it. From memory it took them 6 months to come up with that paper and it says nothing new.
  2. And those rescuers are massively in the minority, but their unethical practices make them appear larger than they actually are. All I can say to people who think rescue is a bad place with bad people... choose 1 or 2 groups that are transparent, do the right thing by the animals and foster carers/adoptees and stick with them.
  3. I post all over DOL all the time and you would probably consider me a rescue snob. You seem to have come across the wrong people, because the people I associate with in rescue are very approachable. We address each other by real names on occasion because many of us know each other in real life!
  4. Haha these are good :laugh: A few nights ago I was having a conversation with my dog Sweep and I stopped when I realised what I was doing and my fiancé was in the room. I admitted to him that I used to talk outloud to them when I lived alone too. He gave me a look :laugh:
  5. Not often no. Maybe once a fortnight. I have a Silky cross and Greyhound :)
  6. Bugger. Maybe pay them a visit in person?
  7. I'd just call Penrith Council and ask who you need to speak to. Hurrah for thread resurrection!
  8. I scrolled back up to compare those two pics, what a change! He looks divine (Sorry that was me above ^ . Forgot to log out!)
  9. Melanie Norman holds a clause 16(d) for Pound Rounds. Pound Rounds claims not to be a rescue group, but what they do is spring dogs under their clause and send the dog to somebody from Facebook and then that person has to find a rescue group in their area to take them on as a foster carer.
  10. Gosh this brings back memories! One of my major works in high school was lino cutting. That was over a decade ago
  11. What complete ignorance, that statement does not even make sense! Darwin meant it as a metaphor for "better adapted for immediate, local environment", not the common inference of "in the best physical shape".
  12. Personally no I would not. I would suggest if she wanted to keep it that she seek a professional behaviourist who is experienced with this type of behaviour. Otherwise, if the owner does not feel she can keep the dog then she should do the responsible thing and PTS.
  13. I'd say since the dog has left NSW already, the chip might be marked with a DD impending, but not declared DD until it re-entered the state.
  14. Doesn't matter if it has not attacked again in another home, this dog has shown what it is capable of. ETA: I had a foster dog that (I suspected) killed a cat. He lived with my cat just fine. But that doesn't mean I didn't expect that he might one day decide to kill another cat. Obviously he was adopted to a home without cats.
  15. I sometimes walk my two separately, and when I take one and not the other I tell the other to stay. They know what stay means, so they must just understand they are not coming for a walk this time. That said, both mine are fine being left alone (without each other and/or without human company). Not that this helps you I suppose, but I thought I would let you know how I do it. Good luck!
  16. Stacks of Kelpie x types in Hawkesbury Pound atm 7 Kelpies were surrendered today. Having kids though she is safest to go with a dog already in foster care.
  17. Must be referring to this paper Companion Animals Taskforce Discussion Paper
  18. I keep checking in this thread hoping to see she has been found Missing poster attached Clara Lost Poster Colour.pdf Clara Lost Poster Grey.pdf
  19. I am a bit late replying but I thought I might add my story. When Sweep became ill with severe pancreatitis it all happened very fast and he was in the specialist vet within 12 hours of first symptoms. He was fighting for his life and they told us his chances for survival at this stage do not look good. I was a mess and we agreed to get him stable and start treatment and they would call in a few hours. In the mean time my partner and I spoke about what we could afford and we agreed on $2k. Anything more than that and we would have to let him go. Well when the time came we ended up spending just over $6k. When I asked the vet and she said "yes, he would live a normal life except being diabetic he needs insulin twice a day", I couldn't bring myself refuse treatment. That was 3+ years ago and I don't regret it for one moment.
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