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Everything posted by harley

  1. She sure is a cutie and your photos are beautiful!
  2. So sorry may he rest in peace
  3. Couldn't have said it any better.
  4. First of all they are beautiful photos. Second I think you are a wonderful, caring owner. My oldest dog is currently a 13 year old lab. Do you have carpet or rugs in the house? I have quite a few rugs around the house as my boy can also find it difficult sometimes to get up. I also trim the hair between his pads as it Can grow quite long. Maybe his walks around your property can be a little restricted, so he has a bit more energy to get up during the day? I also don't allow my old fellow to jump (in the car, on the lounge) and give both my dogs joint guard and fish oil tablets every day. Please give Thomas (and your cocker) a gentle pat from me!
  5. Certainly a worry when you put it all together. Maybe her eyesight is diminishing?
  6. Such a pretty boy, I'm sorry you only had him for a short time. Fly free little Henry.
  7. You and your OH are wonderful, he is a lucky boy!
  8. So very sorry for your loss, she certainly was a beautiful girl.
  9. Yes she is pretty! And lucky to have found her way to your couch!
  10. Just beautiful! Your greyhound is amazing
  11. harley


    Oh what a darling, I am sorry for your loss Run free sweet Cherry
  12. He is gorgeous (and special!) :laugh:
  13. My dogs are on regular Zydax injections and have previcox tablets if I think they are in need. I give them half a tablet for a few days in a row and so far this has settled down any limping I've noticed. If they were to require it more frequently then my vet has told me they would require blood tests. I certainly think it has helped my two, who both have arthritis with any acute pain.
  14. Awwww she looks adorable (and a little mischievous!) :laugh:
  15. What a grand old fella! So sorry for your loss
  16. My condolences on the loss of your beloved pair.
  17. So sorry for your loss, what a gorgeous little man he was
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