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To All You Fellow Dog Owners - Do You Also Own A Cat?


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We have 2 Ragdolls 1 a rescue detests the dogs the other we had since 12 weeks and loves the dogs

we also now have a 5 month old British shorthair who plays eats rubs the Poodles he amazes me how much he

wants to be with them

3 Poodles 1 Ragdoll 1 British all on the bed every night

umm, can we have British photos? :rofl:

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We've always had cats and dogs and never had any problems that I can remember. Generally the cats rool! Don't have any cats at present (for probably the first time in my life), but Mum is thinking about getting a burmese (which we've had before).

Bianca is good with cats in our house, but needs to understand that those cats are part of the pack and not to be messed with. She would chase strange cats if she had the opportunity, so introductions would be careful and slow. She was good with the cats we had when we got her (after a couple of nervous moments at the start, which were my fault). Those cats would go into the back yard (too old to scale the fence tho), but any new cats we get would be inside only.

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Hi I have a 2 moggys and 2 chi x JRTs. One of the cats hates all the other animals and she keeps her distance from all of them but she was around first.

Our other cat Pyro and the 2 dogs on the other hand LOVE each other, our cat will talk to them when he wants to play and they will snuggle up together.

The dogs were about 6 when we got Pyro and they loved him from day 1.

Theres a video of Tug and Pyro playing - Hope you enjoy :D

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One cat here. She is inside and thinks the dogs are interesting. If they are in she follows them and pokes them to see what they feel like. Sadly for her they are terrified of her :D . They grew up with a dog hating cat who used to smack them as puppies so to the dogs, cats inside are to be feared. They slink past and try not to make eye contact. Which can be hard when the cat is following them about to she what they are up to. Cats out side on the foot path however are fun and need to be chased.

This is Penny. She's a lady.... snort.


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I have two mutts and two moggies.

My housemate had a rabbit when I first brought baby Kuga home and the rabbit was bigger than he was at that stage so he got used to other furries young. He has since lived with a cocker spaniel, a galah, a pair of ratties, a kitten, another rabbit and another kitten, so by the time he was 4 (I think) and I got my first cat, he was used to pretty much anything. Joely, on the other hand, being an ex stray, wasn't terribly impressed to pop his head out of the box and come face to face with a large dog. He exploded out of the box and found his way around the house high point to high point for a while. Only took him a month or so to realise Kuga was a big sook and start playing with him.

Ella arrived as a pup when Joely was well established as king, and they played chasey - she'd chase him into the bedroom and he'd chase her back out :D but she's always been a little wary of him as he's a cheeky tyke and will sometimes bat her as she walks past.

Then Indi the smoocher arrived, and she and Kuges loved each other from day one, but if she tried to smooch Ella, Ella would leap up and run away, expecting to get attacked because of Joely's early training. Indi's been with me for about 4 years now and it's only in the last year that Ella has finally realised that a smooch from Indi is a sweet and harmless thing.

Indi giving Kuges a hug...


The four of them...


Edited by hortfurball
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I have 2 cats one is siamese x , the other one is also a x, dont know with what his mum was a longhair, and a labrador, the labrador loves both cats, the siamese x will tolerate him when she feels like it the other one loves him to bits!

Here is Mason and Socks


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I don't have a cat at the moment. I'm not all that interested in cats generally but I used to have the world's best cat. She thought she was a dog really and would come for long walks with us (and dart out from behind stalks of grass and leap at us then race ahead and 'hide' behind another bit of grass). She also slept in the basket with my dogs and often groomed them (and they groomed her). In the car she'd sit in the back seat with the "other" dogs. hee hee

SHe wasn't any particular type - she was a fluffy black and white cat. I chose her for her personality when she was a kitten. Very bold and outgoing.

I would get another one if the right one came along - but I'm not sure how my new fella will react......

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We have 2 dogs and 1 DSH (Fugly) 1 burmese x ragdoll (Charlie) and 1 very full on Siamese (Floud) and they all get on really well. I love living with dogs and cats because they are so different but at the same time they compliment each other.

this is Jaana and Charlie playing


and Jaana "talking" to Charlie and Floud


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I have an 8 year old pure white DSH named Angel but has been renamed Mao since my eldest son learnt to talk :D . He used to come to my grooming salon with me and none of the dogs ever hassled him as they seemed to know he was boss.

He loved my old Golden Ronin and since he passed away a couple of years ago he has never been the same, bit aloof. Although he does tolerate my Shih Tzu Daisy he is not a fan of the other two big dogs and will run and hide when he sees them.


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We have 2 Ragdolls 1 a rescue detests the dogs the other we had since 12 weeks and loves the dogs

we also now have a 5 month old British shorthair who plays eats rubs the Poodles he amazes me how much he

wants to be with them

3 Poodles 1 Ragdoll 1 British all on the bed every night

umm, can we have British photos? :D

sure can I love this cat

Ragdolls were always my thing Frosty may have changed that he looks like one of yours



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2 Dogs and 5 cats (moggies) here! :thumbsup:

Oliver, our ginger moggy loves, loves, love the dogs.

Oliver chases Hector (pup) around the kitchen, trying to get him to play with him..

He has also always loved Maverick, his long fur is good to curl up in..


The other cats tolerate, but I wouldn't say that they love them :D

They give the dogs a right whack on the nose when they get in their face!

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