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Rescue Lumping Breederswith Byb And Pet Shops


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:laugh: no I can't say I have and the country where it's easier to adopt wasn't really the point I was trying to make :laugh: But I did figure there would be way more children in need over there, rightly or wrongly :laugh:

Point is, there is always going to be dogs/children in need but we can't be expected to not have our own kids or get a puppy from a reputable source because of over population. Whether we adopt or not, over population will still be a problem. As long as I am not contributing to the problem then I won't feel bad that my next dog won't be another rescue.

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:laugh: no I can't say I have and the country where it's easier to adopt wasn't really the point I was trying to make :laugh: But I did figure there would be way more children in need over there, rightly or wrongly :laugh:

Point is, there is always going to be dogs/children in need but we can't be expected to not have our own kids or get a puppy from a reputable source because of over population. Whether we adopt or not, over population will still be a problem. As long as I am not contributing to the problem then I won't feel bad that my next dog won't be another rescue.

Apologies I didn't mean to detract from your valid point just trying to lighten the mood :) I completely agree I will only buy from reputable breeders, rescues can't offer what im looking for and so don't suit me or my family. I will still donate and support but I won't be made to feel guilty for choosing to buy from an ethical breeder over a shelter/ rescue

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There was quite an interesting exchange a few weeks ago on the DogsVic site with a particular rescue group that was told it could not bring its adoptable dogs to the BigDay Out for Dogs run by DogsVic (for a number of reasons, apparently). Anyway, in the enshewing chaos and abuse, a letter was posted by the head of the rescue group which effectively accused Dogs Vic members and registered breeders of using dodgey vets, being puppy farmers, not vaccinating puppies or taking appropriate care of litters and animals in our care (etc etc). There was a heap of abuse aimed at registered breeders and DogsVic by the supporters of this group - there was even a post asking if it was true that Dogs Vic was selling unwanted dogs for scientific experiments!

So I have to say, while I generally do support the work of rescue groups (noting members of our breed club have been involved in breed rescues and its part of the Club's mission) I was pretty much revolted by the abuse laid on by this group, there was certainly a feeling of PETA to it all....

I saw that. Every time Dogs Victoria wrote something about Dogs Big Day Out on facebook they were attacked by rescue people - and we were told our purebred dogs are all badly behaved, useless, poorly bred dogs. Put a very sour taste in my mouth about rescue. Is this the general attitude of rescue groups?

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IMO it's BYB & Puppy farms that fill the rescue centres. With any reputable breeder, you sign a contract agreeing to give the breeder first option to take your dog back if things don't work out. Any reputable breeder does not want to ever see her pups end up dumped. By slapping the face of good ethical breeders & critisizing those who choose to buy from them instead of getting a rescue, is not doing anything to stop the problem. Instead, they should be venting their anger on those who choose to mass produce puppies for the money & those who let their entire males "have fun" & those who don't have their bitches desexed because they want the kids to see puppies being born, or because they think they can make a quick quid by having BY litters from Limited Register bitches & have little thought if any, of the health & genetic testing that goes into producing good pups that people will want to share the rest of their lives with. Both my dogs are registered purebreds, (desexed) & when I got my last boy, there were some people at our club that are so "into" rescue that they can't even bring themselves to pat him or give him a compliment. It used to worry me, but now I recognise that it is them that has the attitude problem not me. I am often give their rescue dogs compliments & lots of pats etc but it is never returned.

Knowing what I know now, I would never again get a puppy from anyone but a reputable breeder, but I am sure that most rescue people are not like the ones I know & they do a great job. It's just my experience with the ones that I know & hope that they are a small majority. Good on somebody for being brave enough to take on a rescue of unknown parentage, :thumbsup: but don't rubbish & snob those who decide to choose wisely in the first place, so that their dog does not become one :thumbsup:

Edited by sheena
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That Peta ad is atrocious but I'm not surprised - it's typical of the tactics they use and just makes them look ridiculous. My dogs are all from registered breeders and nutcase extremists certainly cant make me feel guilty about that.

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My dog has a lot of Doberman traits as you would expect from a 4th generation cross - there is only one dog in his history that is not a Doberman and that was 4 generations ago.

wish you would actually learn to spell dobermann properly.

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wish you would actually learn to spell dobermann properly.

This got me googling - found this interesting snippet -

"After WWII, there was a very strong anti-German sentiment in the world, and very particularly in the USA and UK. Many people shunned anything which was overtly German, and the double "n" at the end of the name was/is a very strong Germanic statement. The second "n" was dropped, and it was almost as if there was a sigh of relief and it was OK to have a Dobe. A lot of Americans and Canadians who are into European dogs use the double "n" now - we are 60 years away from that era, and it's no longer politically offensive or sensitive. However, most of us are now used to the single letter, and use it - as does the AKC. lois"

Reference here

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wish you would actually learn to spell dobermann properly.

This got me googling - found this interesting snippet -

"After WWII, there was a very strong anti-German sentiment in the world, and very particularly in the USA and UK. Many people shunned anything which was overtly German, and the double "n" at the end of the name was/is a very strong Germanic statement. The second "n" was dropped, and it was almost as if there was a sigh of relief and it was OK to have a Dobe. A lot of Americans and Canadians who are into European dogs use the double "n" now - we are 60 years away from that era, and it's no longer politically offensive or sensitive. However, most of us are now used to the single letter, and use it - as does the AKC. lois"

Reference here

Hmmmmm interesting, I have always spelt it with the double n.

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Hmmmmm interesting, I have always spelt it with the double n.

I always thought single 'n', but then I don't think I've even seen one in the flesh so my opinion doesn't hold much weight :o

The older members of my family always used 'Alsation' rather than GSD too.

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There was quite an interesting exchange a few weeks ago on the DogsVic site with a particular rescue group that was told it could not bring its adoptable dogs to the BigDay Out for Dogs run by DogsVic (for a number of reasons, apparently). Anyway, in the enshewing chaos and abuse, a letter was posted by the head of the rescue group which effectively accused Dogs Vic members and registered breeders of using dodgey vets, being puppy farmers, not vaccinating puppies or taking appropriate care of litters and animals in our care (etc etc). There was a heap of abuse aimed at registered breeders and DogsVic by the supporters of this group - there was even a post asking if it was true that Dogs Vic was selling unwanted dogs for scientific experiments!

So I have to say, while I generally do support the work of rescue groups (noting members of our breed club have been involved in breed rescues and its part of the Club's mission) I was pretty much revolted by the abuse laid on by this group, there was certainly a feeling of PETA to it all....

I saw that. Every time Dogs Victoria wrote something about Dogs Big Day Out on facebook they were attacked by rescue people - and we were told our purebred dogs are all badly behaved, useless, poorly bred dogs. Put a very sour taste in my mouth about rescue. Is this the general attitude of rescue groups?

No it isn't.

There isn't a general attitude of rescuers any more than there is a general attitude of anyone else. People and organisations have their own attitudes. This is a purebred forum and it has a lot of rescue people here. Dozens of the rescue people come here to this forum and don't abuse breeders, some rescuers are breeders, so why would you think it was a general attitude against them?

If you don't want all breeders lumped in together, byb with registered breeders, then don't assume that all rescue operates the same way either. It's just as wrong.

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Hmmmmm interesting, I have always spelt it with the double n.

I always thought single 'n', but then I don't think I've even seen one in the flesh so my opinion doesn't hold much weight :o

The older members of my family always used 'Alsation' rather than GSD too.

Yep, I know quite a few people who still use Alsation!

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There was quite an interesting exchange a few weeks ago on the DogsVic site with a particular rescue group that was told it could not bring its adoptable dogs to the BigDay Out for Dogs run by DogsVic (for a number of reasons, apparently). Anyway, in the enshewing chaos and abuse, a letter was posted by the head of the rescue group which effectively accused Dogs Vic members and registered breeders of using dodgey vets, being puppy farmers, not vaccinating puppies or taking appropriate care of litters and animals in our care (etc etc). There was a heap of abuse aimed at registered breeders and DogsVic by the supporters of this group - there was even a post asking if it was true that Dogs Vic was selling unwanted dogs for scientific experiments!

So I have to say, while I generally do support the work of rescue groups (noting members of our breed club have been involved in breed rescues and its part of the Club's mission) I was pretty much revolted by the a buse laid on by this group, there was certainly a feeling of PETA to it all....

Rather interesting LM as I know some of the background to the refusal.

I didn't have an issue either way with the refusal as I didn't know the details(and I know there are 2 sides to every story!) - what got me was the FB reaction, whereby DogsVic members who may have been sympathetic were included in what was a verbal spray against all registered breeders. Not clever.

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If we are going to correct spelling... I do believe that the correct spelling is "Alsatian"... *grin*

Seriously though - just as all rescue doesn't tar all breeders with the same brush - it is a bit silly implying that all rescues are like the fanatics, isn't it?


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I wonder how many breeders write all over FB that every time someone buys a dog from rescue they are killing one of their home bred puppies, then post on utube some moron throwing a body bag with a dead dog in it infront of a little kid bawling her eyes out? Probably none.

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I have a rescue x breed (stafford mix) and like I suspect Cosmolo, if I wanted a future dog of a bull breed type, even if I wanted to, I would not go the rescue route. I have spent too many years worrying that BSL will be extended to unpapered stafford x.

I also have a couple of particular purebreeds that I like the sound and look of and have in mind for future dogs. If I go that way it will be a purebred from a carefully researched ethical registered breeder.

That said I would also like to rescue again as my experience has been great. My dog has given me the best 8 years of my life so far and I would not change him for the word. I also like the idea of rescuing a couple of aged 'verandah' dogs when I am older to keep me company in my dotage!

The only thing rescuing him has taught me actually is that I would like again to have an adult dog, be it rescue or pedigree. It has been such a fantastic experience, and I knew what I was getting when I got it.

I don't personally believe there are any guarantees temperament or health wise with any puppy you get, unless you are an behaviour expert (which most of us are not)or the perfect owner/trainer. I have 2 friends with purebreds dogs bought from ethical breeders with parents with good hip scores and the dogs have gone on to have HD. I also have relos/friend with healthy pedigree dogs. I have met healthy rescues and I have met unhealthy ones. I have met pedigree dogs with dodgy temps and I have met rescue dogs with good temps and of course vice versa. Depends on breeding, luck and the owner to various degrees in each dog.

I don't want anyone to tell me where I can buy my dog, I want to be able to make up my own mind and do my research and get the dog that is right for me.

I really can't tolerate extremists on any side of any coin. They wreck it for the good rescues and the good breeders.

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I wonder how many breeders write all over FB that every time someone buys a dog from rescue they are killing one of their home bred puppies, then post on utube some moron throwing a body bag with a dead dog in it infront of a little kid bawling her eyes out? Probably none.

And how many rescuers really think that raz???? Come on - you know better than that surely! ETA not to mention that most rescuers, with any kind of knowledge, recognise that PETA are radical whackjobs whose eventual goal is that no-one has a pet.

Edited by Trisven13
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