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My Sick Bully


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This is just me unloading in the place ifeel most comfortable doing it, dol. :(

Bonn my BT is not well atm, and i could do with any input, or experience.

About 3 weeks ago she went into kennels while i went away for a few days, the kennels rang on the 3rd day to say she had vomited up her brekky had a high temp and had gone out into the paddock, dug a hole to lay in and wouldn't move.

My vet arrived, and took her back to the surgery. she had bloods done, and they got her temp stabalized.

Results were high liver enzymes, i came back the next day and they let me take her home with antibiotics ( forget name), and to redo bloods again in a week.

She perked up for a few days , all good, then went downhill again, depressed tail between her legs, standing hunched up wouldn't settle.So i took her back.

They did bloods again and Pancreatitus bloods too.

Came back neg for Pancreatitus, liver still up.

So they gave me Metrogyl and Enrofoxacin.

Again she perked up for about 3 days, came for walks and i thought she was getting better.

Then after 4 days she went really flat again.

They admitted her sunday and gave her pain relief and she had an ultrasound yesterday.

The results are.

Irregular shape by the Pancreas , to the left of the stomach, suggestions are , could be fluid building up, a lymph node up, or worse cancer, tumour.

Another one protruding from the spleen, again could just be a nodule, or cancer linked to first one. :(

Next step is to operate to see whats happening.

We are going to try for a bit longer on the meds first, and a low fat diet to see if it makes any difference, and then ultrasound again to see if they have changed, gone got bigger etc in a couple of weeks rather than go straight in.

I just have a really bad feeling about it all, she is only 5, i have only had her just over 2 years, she came from a breeder interstate as an ex breeding bitch.

I can't tell my kids how serious it maybe yet till i know what we are dealing with, so needed somewhere to offload before i cry!

Any input gratefully recieved, sorry for the long post!

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Sorry you're going through this, juice - it's horrible when our beloved dogs are unwell, and almost worse, as has been said, if you don't know exactly what you're facing.

Just wanted to offer healing vibes - and to say you're obviously doing all you can for your lovely girl. :hug:

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So sorry you are going through this Juice.

It's very stressful and upsetting when they are sick. Especially as you don't know what you're facing yet. :(

My thoughts are with you and your girl. I hope you get some answers soon. And keep unloading, especially as you say, because you can't tell the kids much yet.


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Thanks everyone. :)

My good friend Stormy rang for a long chat and made me feel better too.

Bonn is ok this morning, seemed perky, actually chewed a cardboard box up i bought back from bunnings with plants in.

Not impressed with brekky, no chicken necks or wings atm, just a bit of Supercoat, she looked at me as if to say "whats this!" :laugh:

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We are currently fighting the cancer battle with one of our whippets.

I have done a lot of reading about DMSO, essiac tea, sodium bicarbonate, budwig protocol.

And now implementing our own regime.

Might be worth having a look at these for your guy too.

I can fully understand how your feeling - as that's where I am too :(

Try and keep positive.

Hugs to you both

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Sorry to hear about your Bon's health Juice *gentle hugs for you and her*

I just cant believe how many dogs I am reading about in here and i know off (not on here) that are having liver issues lately..confused.gif

Renae had elevated liver enzymes not long ago, is doing ok atm, but she has good and bad days. She has to have another blood test soon. They are still not sure what is actually going on with her.

Sorry to hear about your Whippet also Crits N Bits frown.gif

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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Grumpy presented with similar symptoms. Throwing up, pancreatic symptoms but not pancreatitis. High liver enzymes but urine indicated not liver cancer. Big lump near the pancreas. This turned out to be a cyst. Vet didn't want to operate because of Grumpy's age but did an ultrasound and x-ray.

However, the vet looked at everything and suggested he had Cushings. First test was negative but the second test (the 8 hour test) was positive. I'd be looking at Cushing's/Addison's, etc, before operating. No harm in testing and if the tests come up negative then look at operating. That's my suggestion anyway.

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This sounds a bit like a 4 year old bitch I had in 1995 and we never did work out why or what happened to her but she got better and lived another 10 years.

In hindsight she had problems before we picked up on them. She had her first litter in Feb '95 and she bled badly during whelping and had to go onto Vitamin K. I thought she was a rather indifferent mother but it seems she actually wasn't well. I had always used Interceptor on her but my vet at the time preferred pregnant bitches to be on heartguard so I changed her over. She recovered from the litter and seemed fine. After her next season I was heartworming the dogs and had one heartguard left over so gave it to her as she had been on them before. A little while later my normally gutsy dog stopped eating anything hard, then she almost stopped eating altogether. Her coat was glowing but she was really drowsy all the time. No sign of pain but she was a very stoic bitch.

Off to the vet to check for pyo but with no obvious signs they treated for a possible early closed pyo. After a week with no improvement we did a full blood count. The dog was so tired she fell asleep while the blood was being taken. The results for liver were all over the place, she had high white cell count and mild pancreatitis. So on to the specialist for a liver biopsy done with a large needle. This didn't work because the liver wasn't were it should have been. Next stop was the Uni to have it done again under ultrasound. They shaved half the dog looking for the liver and finally found it tucked up under the ribs but couldn't reach it with the needle, they were however convinced that she had pyo as they had seen lumps they thought were in the uterus. Back to my vet who could not find what they had seen with her ultrasound but she figured the Uni one would be clearer. At this point we decided to operate and see what was going on. She was opened from one end to the other with 4 vets in attendance. No pyo, the lumps were scar tissue on the lymph nodes. Her liver had shriveled up, was only tiny and described as "friable" or crumbly when they took the biopsies. The pancreas had leaked a little onto the liver. They took biopsies everywhere, closed her up and sent her home with antibiotics and not much hope. I had to separate her from her dam for the first time because the dam suddenly wanted to kill her. The biopsies showed nothing.

About a week after the surgery she suddenly started to improve. I rang the main vet who had done the surgery and he joked that maybe her insides needed an airing and admitted he had no idea what had happened. After that she just continued to improve, her dam stopped trying to attack her and they were pals again. She had been desperately ill for 6 weeks and completely recovered and we still have no idea why. Possible causes were a reaction to the heartguard, a blow to the abdomen that caused the pancreas to leak or a mystery virus but we will never have the answer.

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So far ( touch's wood!), she has been good, even playing with one of my other dogs last night. :)

we are on the meds for at least 2 weeks the vet said, and will do another ultrasound then too to see if there is any change.

I am not getting my hopes up yet, she has done this twice before in the last few weeks, come good then hit the deck again.

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