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Saying 'thank You' To Dogs


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We have this kind of dialogue in my house, regularly.

MOVE!!!! . . . dog moves, reluctantly.

Thank you! good girl! Scratch scratch / pat pat.

I feel a little silly saying thank you to the dogs, but I can't help myself. And I think they've come to regard it as a reward, particularly for obeying commands they don't specially want to obey. Also seems good, if kids happen to be watching, to reinforce ideas of politeness. I avoid 'Please' . . . dogs understand commands but I think requests are confusing.

How do others use polite words with dogs? Or am I just a little crazy?

Edited by sandgrubber
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Yep say thank you automatically.

Thought it was very cute to hear my 3 and a half year old politely asking one of the dogs to move then saying thank you with a nice pat.

To me it shows manners are automatic - the way I like them. I am sure to the dog they are just blah blah, but it sounds good :)

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Well not quite like that.

I really just expect them to follow short commands and I think they know my routines so they often do what I require without me actually speaking.

I do however often praise with a good girl / good boy them for for doing what I require. But then they also get lots of attention for just being there.

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Yes I say thank you as well :laugh: Last night I took the girls out to go to the toilet last thing. I talk nicely to them and praise them and then I can hear nextdoor speaking to their dog, "MOVE". And then some grumbles. They always speak in such a grumpy way to the dogs :( That or shouting :( The dogs respond so much better to kind voices!

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I constantly talk to my Luci & Rosie, they have a wide vocabulary. I say slippers, I get slippers. I say get the phone, they retrieve my handset. I say who's there? they go look out the window. I tell them to wake the kids up, they will depending on who I nominate. I often say thank you to them. Luci used to react if I say "excuse me?"...she would know what she was doing what was inappropriate and change her behaviour. Made that mistake in company (ppl I didnt know) and ended up getting greasy looks...they didnt assume I was talking to the dog. :laugh: Embarrasssing, so now I make the throat clearing sound..works the same and no strange looks!!!

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I say thank you to mine, particularly when they have alerted me to a sound. if they don't stop after one thank you, I go and look and say thank you again, for warning me about the danger they believed was there. it stops me from getting frustrated by them for barking.

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No, I don't thank my dogs, but I see nothing wrong with doing it. I have seen people do it.

I also know people who ask their dogs politely to sit, including the 'please', but they have always been well trained dogs that obey anyway.

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Yes! All the time! Whenever they do me a favour!

I sometimes drop food and will say “Clean up on aisle three please”. I thank them once they clean up.

Bubby also barks to alert people approaching the house. I always say “Thank you darling, that will be enough for now”

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:D Yep - another one who says thank you (or sometimes thank you very much) to the dogs. I do it around the house, and for Rory when I want him to drop a frisbee ball or whatever (not for a formal obedience retrieve delivered to hand). I also say thank you to them for a really nice job in the ring - e.g nice agility run or tracking for Kirra, show win for Rory. :D

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