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Women Injured And Animals Killed In Overnight Fires (caboolture Qld)


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Thanks for those photos Steve. In the middle of this misery it's heartening to see the survivors.

ChiChi must be one tough little dog, and very lucky. Can somebody please link to her rescue story or tell it again here?

All best wishes for Jed's operation today and to her family and friends.


I loved that post when Jed first wrote it, it still brings a smile to my face. :) That Chi Chi is one tough cookie! :)

The "Do breeders make a profit" post that Mumsy has quoted is the perfect example to me of what Jed stands for and why she is so highly respected. :laugh:

Magnus' survival was something we were all hoping for and devastating to all of us that it wasn't to be. We now at least know where he is, along with the others which is some small comfort.

The three surviving boxer puppies are doing fine as is Shandy (Shithead) and Marjory and who are with Marg Coles who bred Marjory. The cavvies here have all had their breakfast of warm rolled oates, milk & honey, ( 1 degree here this morning) had several hours of exploring, said hi to the geese, and were rapt in the guinea fowl because they made so much noise and now snoozin in the sun. Chi Chi was checked by the vet yesterday and has medication for her eyes which are still smoke affected and ear tips which are slightly singed but she's doing fine also and quite taken with her coat which I gather she's never worn before because she always slept on Janes bed.

Two vets are coming in next week to give all Janes dogs a good check up and another Pacer member and another breeder will be coming in regularly to help with the grooming and general care of Janes brood.

Channel 9 have been in filming the dogs and where they are, apparently to be shown when Jane is well enough to watch TV and can see that her dogs are all doing okay.

The RSPCA were very good and the fellow we were dealing with on the day, Travis, could not have been more helpful. The dogs had all been bathed and under heaters to dry off when we finally arrived at Fairfield to take delivery, all of which was also filmed. Was particularly appreciative to the photographer who was able to back the dog float for me in what was a very small turnaround area.

All thoughts and prayers are with Jane now and as already mentioned by others, I dread Janes reaction when she finally realizes all her special dogs are gone.

Thank you so much for the update goldchow. It's so good to hear how the dogs are going. You and Marg are doing a fantastic job. :cry:

Edited by LuvMyCav
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So very sorry to hear about Magnus and all the other dogs....a terrible tragedy.... :laugh::)

Hoping all goes well with Jed's surgery today ....

This is a little poem I penned ....

We cannot find the words to say

Exactly how we feel today

our hearts are heavy - filled with sorrow

we hope and pray for a brighter tomorrow

Candles are lit with a shaking hand

what you 've been through too hard to understand

But united we all shall stand strong for you

crossing our fingers, willing you through

In time the pain will fade away

Yet memories of happier times will eternally stay

With those that have passed you'll be reunited one day

But that time is not now and we need you to stay

The road ahead may be one that is tough

But the support you have here will be more than enough

To all those with four legs and to those with two

You , dear Jane, are a friend loyal and true

Thinking of you Jed.....

This is beautiful and well sad

I am very glad to read Jane is stable, she is constantly in my thoughts throughout the day and night.

I was very sad to hear the wonderful Magnus has gone. I was hoping for a happy story in this tragedy. I loved reading the link regarding Chi Chi story, what a little survivor in Jed's words “And she is the best lesson in being happy despite adversity" hopefully she will continue inspired Jed to stay strong and keep fighting.

Thank you Steve for sharing the photo's

RIP lil ones, may you run happy and free :)

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All thoughts and prayers are with Jane now and as already mentioned by others, I dread Janes reaction when she finally realizes all her special dogs are gone.

Its going to be a tough time for all of you who are involved. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

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Thank you Lesley for taking the time for update. I can only imagine how busy and tired you must be right now.

Thank heavens Jed has you and so many very good friends around her. Well done to each and every one that has helped including prayers, thoughts and positive vibes. :)

She still continues to be in my thoughts and my prayers are constantly with her.

Edited by ~Midniara~
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there is a register for this called the pacers buddy system. Click on my sig.

Sorry Chewbacca, I am not an MDBA member so was unaware.

Good to know that there are people out there compiling lists of temporary homes for those in need. :)

Jed has many friends who have offered a wonderful support team but not all are that fortunate and I felt extremely sad when I saw the plea for help regarding the boxer in whelp at Wagga.

Dont apologise, didnt mean to sound like that as I have bubs and am typing with the lefty. Without buddies registered from all areas, help will be more limited due to locations so its a good idea to register now. Its free :)

You dont have to be an MDBA member either :laugh:

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I just spent a bit of time looking for some of Jeds posts. I have talked to her on the boxer thread but I don't know her personally. I could tell from all the lovely messages that she is a very highly regarded member of DOL. I have included a quote from one of her topics that has made me feel like I know alot more about her and thought I would share it.


"From time to time the question arises of whether breeders make a profit or not. Who cares? Obviously someone does, or they wouldn't ask. Why? I have no idea. Is it wrong to make a profit? Is it right?

I never respond from a personal point of view. I have no idea whether I make a profit or not. I care for the dogs, spend whatever needs to be spent, and sell the pups for the average price. Sometimes things don't go well, and it costs more than I get back. Sometimes the income from the pups is more than the cost of getting them. That's life.

I don't keep records of income and expenditure. If I wanted to know, I would probably work it out, and I would probably find that over a year I was covering the costs. I don't worry too much about it. The profits are not in the money in the bank.

But there are huge profits, for me, from keeping and breeding dogs.

The profits are in seeing happy, glossy dogs playing in the garden, waggy tails and wide smiles when I come home from work. In constant smiling companionship. The pleasure of grooming them, or stroking them, or playing with them. They don't care what's on TV, they never complain if I am home late, they never fret or sulk if I don't have as much time tonight as I had last night. That confiding little nose pushed under my arm at night, that little body curled at my feet.

The profts are in seeing the little mummies so thrilled with and proud of their babies. Proud, strutting daddy dogs thinking they rule the world. Seeing little pups grow into nice dogs that I can be proud of as a breeder; each one special, unique, never to be repeated, and loved for his own little self for the short time he is here. Seeing gentle adult dogs playing with babies in the garden, running, jumping, chasing - then falling in an untidy heap - instantly asleep.

The profits are in the diversity, yet the similarity in the breed, the profits are in calling one of the 4th generation home bred, and realising I have the wong dog - because my dogs are now a line, and resemble each other.

Those little insensate hairy newborn blobs turning into real dogs, barking, running, playing, going cheerfully off to new homes with never a backward glance, as I wipe away whatever it is that got in my eye.

The profits are in the photos and letters I get back from puppy buyers, sometimes for years, sometimes for the life of the dog. The profits are in sorting out any problems so the dog has a lifetime home.

The profits are in encountering a new problem - veterinary, training, whatever - and finding the solution, and learning more so I can be a better breeder from the experience.

The profits are in studying the bloodllines and the type in my yard, and scheming and plotting and planning how to improve them - and doing more research.

The profits are in good friends, always ready with good advice, or an understanding shoulder. Who else but a breeder would understand the grief that losing a day old pup brings? Or a stillborn? Or an eagerly awaited preganacy which doesn't evenuate. Or losing an oldie - your "regular" friends say "it's only a dog, and an old one at that", but your breeder friends understand you have lost your friend, your easy companion who never needed calling, because she knew where to be when, never needed a hard word, because she understood how things worked as well as you did - the great-grandmother of the pup which is winning for someone; or the grandmother of some little kid's nice pet; they understand you have lost part of your history, and they grieve with you.

The profits are in the ones you keep, the pleausre in training them, in having them, in enjoying them, in seeing them as good canine citizens, growing old in easy companionship, lying by your feet.

The profits are in seeing a beautiful dog - whether mine or not - which fills my eye, and gives me pleasure, just by existimg, and being his own individual, special doggy person.

Those are the profits for me. I don't know whether I make monetary profit or not, and I don't care - as long as there is enough for our needs, I am happy.

If you make some money, why not? You certainly wont keep breeding if you are going bankrupt, and then the puppy farms will be able to sell more pups. And if enough breeders go bankrupt, the gene pool will be so reduced, it will be impossible to buy a healthy registered pup.

and that's a bad thing."

You seem like a wonderful person Jane. Please get better soon.

mumsy, thank you so much for finding this! I loved it when Jane wrote it. I loved reading it even more now, but it made me so sad to think of all those special dogs she was thinking about when she wrote it who will no longer be there for her. :)

goldchow, thank you for the update and for everything you have done/are doing for Jane and her precious dogs. :)

Edited by WendyH
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Chi Chi was checked by the vet yesterday and has medication for her eyes which are still smoke affected and ear tips which are slightly singed but she's doing fine also and quite taken with her coat which I gather she's never worn before because she always slept on Janes bed.

I've been hoping for more news of Chi Chi. I hope there's some pics of her, in her new smart warm coat. Just waiting for the big day....& it will come....when she'll be back sleeping on her mum's bed.

Bless you for caring for her.

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LuvMyCav I have just been talking to someone who had one of Jed's cavs in the past and she was telling about how Magnus came up and put his nose on your nose and stared you down,she was sitting on the ground. :):)

I told her to read that post about the "profits" and we both said that the joy your the new owners it it.

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Chi Chi was checked by the vet yesterday and has medication for her eyes which are still smoke affected and ear tips which are slightly singed but she's doing fine also and quite taken with her coat which I gather she's never worn before because she always slept on Janes bed.

I've been hoping for more news of Chi Chi. I hope there's some pics of her, in her new smart warm coat. Just waiting for the big day....& it will come....when she'll be back sleeping on her mum's bed.

Bless you for caring for her.

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LuvMyCav I have just been talking to someone who had one of Jed's cavs in the past and she was telling about how Magnus came up and put his nose on your nose and stared you down,she was sitting on the ground. :):)

I told her to read that post about the "profits" and we both said that the joy your the new owners it it.

:laugh: Oh bless him.

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Oh thank you Julie! I so needed to see these photos! These beautiful souls have suffered too! They must have been terrified in the fire and they would be fretting for Jane, not knowing what has happened to her. They are away from their home and they have lost their furry brothers and sisters. :)

The sadness of all those poor beautiful dogs dying is more than any of us can bear, but let's all try in honouring them to give thanks that Jane is alive and that she has all these hopeful and loving faces to return to when she wakes. These wonderful creatures will give her so much love and solace, and whilst there will be no words spoken everything that needs to be said will be.

These gorgeous fur kids are going to be Jane's firm foundation when she recovers physically and tries to move on with her life. :)

So beautifully said :laugh:

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Gawd, Steve. You KNOW how to make people cry, don't you. :)

And I KNOW who'll treasure Chi Chi's lovely pic. Her mum.

It speaks volumes about how lovingly her pets are being looked after. :)

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Gawd, Steve. You KNOW how to make people cry, don't you. :laugh:

And I KNOW who'll treasure Chi Chi's lovely pic. Her mum.

It speaks volumes about how lovingly her pets are being looked after. :)

No point in me keeping all of the bawling to myself Mita. :)

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I was just reading through the link regarding the Wagga fire and truly believe that in regard to all the recent tragedies there needs to be a register set up with names of people that can provide emergency pet relief in MANY areas.

Perhaps Troy could organise a link for this and any interested parties could add their names and their area in each state.

I will put my hand up for the Western burbs of Brisbane here, we are on acreage and would assist if needed.

there is a register for this called the pacers buddy system. Click on my sig.

DOGSNSW also have an emergency register.

I'm at work, but just checking in to see the updates.

So hoping Jed is improving.


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