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Dogs Owner Died.


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Hi all,

My grandmother passed away suddenly last night, and she has a cavalier king charles spaniel.

He is SUPER attached to her and would howl when she left and pace around when she was gone.

Is there anything we can do to help ease his pain now that she is never coming home?

I know with dogs sometimes it helps if they see the body, but that isn't possible.

So would an article of clothing help or anything?

I just feel so helpless for poor Henry :(


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Oh my condolences for your loss Denali :cry:

As far as dear little Henry is concerned, poor little boy would be really missing her as well. All I have ever done in a similar situations is to carry on as normal as possible with everyday life. Totally understand it will be very difficult to do but try not to overly fuss around him nor moddy coddle him any more than usual.It will take time but the little fella should settle.

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So sorry for your loss, Denali. An article of her clothing would probably be a comfort to him - just see from his reaction. It might also be worth checking with a holistic vet about any specific things along the lines of rescure remedu or something like that, or a specially compounded thing. Might help the poor little man. :( I t could take him quite a while t adjust. - as in a few weeks - can do that even when they lose a doggy mate.

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Oh my condolences for your loss Denali :cry:

As far as dear little Henry is concerned, poor little boy would be really missing her as well. All I have ever done in a similar situations is to carry on as normal as possible with everyday life. Totally understand it will be very difficult to do but try not to overly fuss around him nor moddy coddle him any more than usual.It will take time but the little fella should settle.

Thank you BC crazy. It came as such a shock! So now for all the organising and notifying of family from interstate. All a bit crazy in such a terrible time.

Thank you all for the advice. At this stage it seems we will be keeping him, though this isn't 100% certain.

Will sort that out as soon as possible. I will try and keep his routine the same, or give him a totally new one. And some of her clothes.

Hopefully he doesn't grieve too long..

I've never had to deal with a left behind pet before, so this is all new to me.

Edited by denali
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Your most welcome Danali.

Very difficult situation to be in as everybody is grieving & everybody that in poor little Henry's life atm would be emotional to say the least I would imagine & rightly so. So just try & keep things as 'calm' as possible around him.

Gentle walks, little games & company would be wonderful for Henry. Oh & maybe is you have a spare bed for him, away from folks as well to give him a little space & peace if he feels like it. So he can decide where he wants to rest at times. You know so if he wants to be with peps he can but if not he is still comfortable. This healing will take time for the little bloke & a bit of TLC.

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Hi all,

My grandmother passed away suddenly last night, and she has a cavalier king charles spaniel.

He is SUPER attached to her and would howl when she left and pace around when she was gone.

Is there anything we can do to help ease his pain now that she is never coming home?

I know with dogs sometimes it helps if they see the body, but that isn't possible.

So would an article of clothing help or anything?

I just feel so helpless for poor Henry :(


I am sorry you have had this shock. (((HUGS))) Articles of clothing would be suitable for wee Henry to have near him. Our Great Aunt broke her hip. We got hold of her pillow cases, and bath towels for her CKCS to 'hug' & rest with. Check with your Vet in case Henry does not adjust well. I would also consider 'medication' to calm him as well.

NB: I am not advocating tranquillisers, sleeping pills. Rather there are available suitable natural remedies for dogs. As well as Tender Loving Care, Henry may need extra help. He is likely to fret. :cry:

Please update us with his progress.

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I am sorry for your loss.

From what I've been told, dogs do not grieve the same way dogs do. They react more to the change in routine/pack members and the emotions of the people around them.

I agree with some rescue remedy and maybe try adaptil just till a new routine is established.

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So sorry to hear of your losing your grandmother Denali.

I agree with getting him into the new structure and daily walks etc. to keep him busy and not undirected. When my Mum died my brother and I had her Jack Russell... We just took her on, including her in our daily lives and she went to live with my brother, had a whole new lease on life actually with younger owners and my Mum hadn't been good with boundaries at all :laugh: Peggy adjusted well. She also lost weight and got very fit :) I think if they get love it helps them move on (ain't that the case for all of us!)

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hug.gif Denali. I'm so sorry - i lost my father unexpectedly so I do know how you are feeling. I can't aadd anything - its all really good advice except to say to keep his routine going as much as possible so he expects life to go on - even if its with someone new. Best.flower.jpg
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So very sorry to hear this Denali, we all care, Iook after your family and yourself.

..... From what I've been told, dogs do not grieve the same way dogs do. ....

Not so. Dogs can also experience shock, grief, the terrible pain of loss.

Yep I agrree - the one helpful thing my house-mate/landlord has done since I've been in the house-sit is to tell me the day Andy went to doggy daycare and Sarah was left at home she didn't bark - she howled. She was devastated at being separated from her little buddy. SO lesson learned - dogs grieve and keep both of them together at doggy daycare or at home. smile.gif

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condolences, denali . :hug:

as for the little dog .. yes :) keep him busy ....let him sleep on something familiar- her pillow/slippers/blanket or doona , maybe ......and leave it there for quite a long time .

Just give him new things to see/taste and experience ..and leave 'his' bed etc secure and not too clean at present ....

When Mum had to go to hospital and died..her old dog slipped further in to being "old" ..and would not be calm or happy sleeping where she normally did, in Mum's room . She just would not settle indoors at all .. would go crazy! And ever since then has slept very happily on a tether in the back porch.... Apart from that , and occasionally going to Mum's bedroom door for a few weeks ...she still hooned around as normal .

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