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Everything posted by denali

  1. that is what i like about the snooza, all their 'spare parts' that you can buy seperately. Very smart of them :)
  2. Right. Me thinks this guy is a little crazy. or a lot crazy :laugh: And stupid. Never a good combination!
  3. Oh dear Terrible advice.
  4. Let alone 17 Malinois! :laugh: The runt would have to be Tyrion :)Wonder what the record for the biggest litter of puppies is? The biggest litter is 24 puppies :) accoridng to Guinness world records anyways. They were neopolitan mastiffs.
  5. My 3 only wear coats if i am leaving them at nighttime. They are left outside when i am not home, so when it is colder (ie. i am cold) i will put their coats on until i am back and let them inside :) So they dont really wear them often. I have one who wont wear a jacket with velcro for some reason. So he gets a knitted one. The others just have the quilted type that velcro around their waist and their neck/chest. ETA: im in Brisbane too :)
  6. I was going to say the same :laugh:
  7. I've been reading along with this, and some awesme advice is in here. I ma not a breeder, so have no advice on that front. but i would say contact your breeders, as she may know of some responsible homes for the puppies? ETA: good luck, hope all goes smoothly
  8. I know, that is always a horrible excuse.. I agree that its annoying. :laugh: sounds like the few i have seen around here!
  9. Yours all seem to maintain appropriate distances. Mine likes to come RIGHT up to you and sit at your feet staring. Needless to say he gets locked out :laugh: And if i am in the bath he will put his front feet on the edge and check i am ok every 5 minutes. Silly boy :)
  10. I just spotted the second face in that pic :laugh: love it. Nice catch! Didnt notice until you pointed it out! Makes an awesome photo even better
  11. I think you're right. I'm not sure I'd trust a vet who considered doing it. OP have you even spoken to your vet about it? I agree. I think this could be a case for a vasectomy? Though depending on the reasons he is being desexed. Or the OP's OH could just get over it :laugh:
  12. I saw this on facebook last night. It is horrid. I cant believe someone could do such a thing.. Me too
  13. I have seen pictures of this before, never in real life,but their nose works exactly the same as any other dog, so no need for corrective surgery :)
  14. I read a book once that a vet had written, about all his weird consults and things he'd ever done. One was a guy who wanted the neuticals, but he wanted them 2 sizes larger than the dog already had :laugh: the vet had to say no of course haha
  15. I have noticed you do this to every topic. You do realise that the answers do change with time? I know, that is what i have found most interesting reading this, is that everywhere has its own different trend. Very cool :) wow! That is an awesome mix :) I love seeing different breeds that are not quite so common. So that is lovely :)
  16. Funny you say that, when my auntie moved to Canberra, they bought a beagle! ETA: and then they moved to toowoomba and bought a Daschund. So just a little bit of a mix there :laugh:
  17. I just posted in another topic about the designer dogs, and i thought i would start a seperate one. I was just sayng that i have seen a decline in the oodle craze, and now instead of cavvoodles and spoodles people seem to be buying daschunds and pugs. They are EVERYWHERE at the moment near me, and i was just wondering if people had noticed the same around them? If not, do you have different breeds, or still the designer dogs? A few years ago when i got my first CKCS, they were all the craze. I met others out walking almost everyday, but now, i am lucky to encounter one every month.
  18. wow! Lovely photos! Love the marmosets! especially the one with its tongue poking out.
  19. What I was going to say they were adorable too!
  20. I know, me too DDD! This makes me want to explore Australia, I have never been to WA. Or the NT, or VIC for that matter haha Looks like its all going well
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