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Earl Ate A River Stone ...and It Got Stuck.......


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As those of you who know Earl already know he has been a bit curious about the river stones we have had put in our back yard - well - he threw up a small one this morning but just wasn't quite his normal exuberant self and would not touch food - even cheese - so I knew something was wrong :eek: . Sure enough - on the xray - very clearly can be seen a 4cm riverstone in the first part of his intestine. :thumbsup:

The vet operated and he is fine but - what a scare - it is a long weekend here in SA this weekend so thank goodness the 24 hour vet is just around the corner - and also thank goodness for pet insurance - quote for treatment etc is between $1800 and $2200 - and he will be kept in till Tuesday mroning so it may well go up.

Our task over the next few days is now to move all of the river stones and replace them with bark chips or similar as the vet said that she has seen some dogs 3 or 4 times over for this sort of thing :eek:

Thank you to all of the Adelaide DOLers at the meet this afternoon - it was nice to be with people who understood how I was feeling and how worried I was :)

Edited by KelpieHoundMum
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What a silly pup! ;) You really have to wonder what goes through their heads sometimes. I think I'd be going for something like pavers or grass, something that he cant swallow, although I would have thought you'd be pretty safe with river stones. sigh.

I hope he heals up fine and stops being such a silly duffer.

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I know - they are silly creatures - and apparently he won't link eating the stone with getting sick so will just go back and do it again :dancingelephant:

The stones are around the edge of the yard


and have the plastic under them so we were looking for something to stop them from doing zoomies along the fence line - thought the river stones would be ok ;)

Will take ideas on board but will definitely be getting rid of the river stones ;)

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Oh dear Earl! How worrying for you KHM. So glad he is ok and will recover well. I know just how you feel, i am constantly worried about Flute who will eat anything. She started vomiting one morning as i was on the phone to make sure the vet was there she vommitted up a plastic bag ;) ;)

Lots of healing thoughts sent Earls way and hugs for his worried family.

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Well- Earl is home now and feeling a bit sad and sorry for himself - but he is fine and has recovered well - bland diet for a while and keeping quiet for a couple of weeks - thank you for everyones well wishes :confused:

OH is out the back preparing to move the riverstones :laugh:

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