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A Very Frightening Experience

Loving my Oldies

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Set off to walk the dogs leaving Jeune on the couch and Danny munching liver treats, so had only Bunter and Tamar in tow.

Sky is black and by the time I'd gone about a hundred yards was wondering whether we'd be caught in a storm.

Four volunteer gardeners were coming out of a property where they regularly help the owner with her garden. Trees are bending, leaves are falling and as the gardeners reached their cars across the street some branches fell just in front of them - pretty damned scarey. I was commenting on that and thought I'd better turn around and head home.

Looked down and Bunter was on his side, a branch over him and out cold. Needless to say, I started shrieking, picked him up and the two women came to my aid. One of them grabbed Tamar's lead as she was freaking out because even if I step on a twig and break it, she leaps about 10 feet in their air.

The women bundled the dogs and me into one of their cars and we set off to the vets. Bunter's tongue is blue and all I could think of was that he'd broken his back and was dying.

Luckily the vet is only about 10 minutes away, but by this time a storm has broken and visibility is only a few yards so it did take longer that usual. Poor driver!! I think she might have been in a worse state than I.

After a few minutes, Bunter gained consciousness and started to go pink again and by the time we reached the vets he was fully conscious. He is bruised and limping and I have left him there for observation and pain relief.

The women were wonderful and waited for me at the vets so they could drive me home. Unfortunately, they were already late for their next job so couldn't join me for a cuppa .. or something a lot stronger.

Poor Tamar is still a wreck (I have to wash her nether regions as her fear manifested itself in a bit of poop) and, stupidly, in a bit of a clean up the other day, I threw away the last of the valium I had for Myrtie who was terrified of storms.

So, I think I'll ring in a Pizza and pig out on comforting carbohydrates.

Edited by Dame Danny's Darling
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Where I live is next door to the top of the Lane Cove Reserve, so we are surrounded by trees and some of them are very large and very old, so quite a safety issue really.

I cannot believe how lucky I was that the volunteer gardeners were right there. On the other hand if they hadn't been there I wouldn't have stopped. Who knows?? Just the vagaries of fate. Bad things happen.

K, I didn't see it happen, but I think the branch must have hit the driveway where I was standing first and so had a lot of its power reduced, because had it hit with full force it would have killed Bunter I am sure. On the other hand it might have been considerably eaten out - all I can remember is that it was pretty big. :( :( :(

Tamar is looking at me as though I am the worst mother in the world. :cry:

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:eek: OMG - you certainly deserve all the sympathy we can give you. How terrifying for you all. Here's hoping that poor Bunter is going to recover quickly. How kind were those volunteer gardeners to provide that transport. There are some wonderful people out there.
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Jesus DDD, how scary !!! hope everyone is OK & have settled down somewhat. Your poor little one's :( Poor you too :( Very nice of those helpful folks to take you to the Vet & stuff. There are some nice folks around.

By the time I got back from my walk it was thundering & rain here. Not as bad as you have copped it though. We get doozies here on the north coast at times. Frighten the hell out of me let alone the fur kids.

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.... add some vino to that pizza.

It's gone off :( the wine that is. The pizza was pretty good though.

Danny is enjoying licking clean the little tub that the Creme Caramel came in though.

I just looked around at the three dogs here at the moment, Danny, Jeune and Tamar and it was such a weired feeling. I've lived here for nearly 10 years and in that time, many dogs have come and gone: rescues, fosters, elderies for whatever time they have left, boarders, overnighters waiting for transport.

When I moved here, I had five dogs, two of whom have long since gone to god, but Danny, Jeune and Tamar were the other three. And so all these years later, we are still together, never to forget Gussy Cat who is on my bed.

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Tamar will come around... she is probably trying to guilt pizza out of you :)

Hadn't thought of that one. You could be right LOL.

Feeling a bit sick frankly. No word yet about Bunter; when I rang an hour or so ago, my vet was in surgery. But I hope he is just sleeping away the fright. He is a very stoic dog and, when I think about it, I don't think I have ever known him to show pain, even when he gets accidentally stood on by his hefty mum. He just gives a look. . . . how could you.

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